$800 million more into Ukraine’s Gullet – IOTW Report

$800 million more into Ukraine’s Gullet

No big deal, you guys. Just two more weeks to stop the spread of Russians.
See also: Macgregor’s latest realtalk on Ukraine.

12 Comments on $800 million more into Ukraine’s Gullet

  1. The price you pay for Ukraine is of no consideration to the thieves in charge, you *must* pay any price to keep their money washing business. Just think of the wash machines you’ll purchase when Biden builds back Ukraine better for a cool trillion bucks. Pfft, we’ll probably fund them 3 trillion after asking for 1 trillion.

  2. Let’s see, 800 million. That means 100 million for Zelenski, 100 million for the Biden crime syndicate, and a couple hundred million split between the Romney’s, the Pelosi’s and whoever else has the grubby little fingers in the Ukraine pie. If there’s any left over, then we can provide a few meals or something.

  3. They’ve really got something on Joey. I wonder if he ever had the thought that blackmailers never stop. Biden – thought… sorry, I lost my head for a second.

  4. Ukraine is keeping its end of the deal – no NEW leaks of Humper/Slowjoe money laundering Burisma corruption or the like – so long AS taxpayer money keeps flowing their way!!

  5. On a side note:

    Germany’s Chancellor is currently in Canuckistan Trying to see If The Sock Boy BlackFace Jackass can help the Krauts not freeze their nuts this winter AFTER TRUMP WARNED Merkle that she was going to Take It In the Ass from Russia 3-4 years ago at one of the G-Spot Conferences.

    Canada can’t do Fuck all because of our current energy policies & Enviro Shit Bags.

    Oh well. Sleep in you Mercedes Fritz…

  6. @Captain Obvious August 19, 2022 at 9:43 am

    > this will go down as the biggest Money Laundering scheme in history…

    “This” won’t even go down as the biggest theft of this century. Limited to “So far”.

    But New York thanks you. For your service.

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