Hillary Clinton Spotted Desperately Trying To Refill Lake Mead Before More Bodies Surface – IOTW Report

Hillary Clinton Spotted Desperately Trying To Refill Lake Mead Before More Bodies Surface

Babylon Bee

LAS VEGAS, NEVADA — As the water levels of Lake Mead continue to go down, more human remains are being found. In response to this recent development, Hillary Clinton has been spotted outside Lake Mead desperately trying to fill the lake back up with a garden hose.

“This is the fifth body they’ve found since May, Bill! We gotta get out there now and do something about this!” said Hillary Clinton to her husband in a panic. “Hurry, grab the hose! We have to fill the lake back up!”

According to sources, the former Senator and failed Presidential candidate was spotted connecting a hose to a public bathroom at Lake Mead and running it all the way to the shoreline. more here h/t Doc.

4 Comments on Hillary Clinton Spotted Desperately Trying To Refill Lake Mead Before More Bodies Surface

  1. Wasn’t outdoorjohn a commenter on this site? 🤔 Seems like his avatar looks awfully familiar too. I don’t know it’s been a long week.

    I guess he’s working from home. 😁


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