NBC News admits sodomy, not skin contact, is fueling monkeypox – IOTW Report

NBC News admits sodomy, not skin contact, is fueling monkeypox

… so how about those children and those dogs?
NBC News finally admits what we knew all along.

26 Comments on NBC News admits sodomy, not skin contact, is fueling monkeypox

  1. Yes. Who was it, here, on a previous story who wrote that an investigation should be made into cases of children having monkey pox for the same reasons they are investigated for other STDs? There are laws doctors and other healthcare workers are to follow when it is suspected that a child has been abused. Why aren’t they doing this?

  2. Working in West Hollywood (for those not familiar, more gays per capita than anywhere in the world including S.F.) back in the mid ’80s, I remember when the AIDS scare first hit, the similarities are remarkable.

    First, they thought the virus was airborne, then moved to skin-to-skin transmission. Only later did they isolate bodily fluid transmission as the portal for infection. And throughout all of this, the gays thought they were bulletproof and did not alter their sexual behavior one bit, condoms remained the exception and not the rule.

    Men punching each other in the seat has never been a good idea.

  3. I just read a news story about a man who who caught monkey pox at a crowded concert settings. I believe one can get this virus well beyond the one limited way you are claiming.

  4. You mean to say an act that can cause a virus to enter a mans bloodstream thru minute tears in his asshole is a more effective way to spread a virus that mere skin to skin contact?

    So thats why 99%* of the people who have contracted this disease have done so thru mass Gay Pride bungholean orgies

    *(Plus the 1% who are currently lying about how they got the pox)

  5. Headline:
    NBC News admits sodomy, not skin contact, is fueling monkeypox
    This is exactly why Trump loves his base dumber than a pile of bricks.

    You mean like bricks democrats like to pick up and hurl through the nearest window like a monkey flinging shit?

  6. You mean that fake NBC claim. Main stream media all suck & say lies except when it fits your pea-brain excuse for existence. Just keep flinging shit against the wall to see what sticks, the Republicons.

  7. Joan Rivers had one of my favourite takes on Being Gay.
    In one of her skits/routines she would say, “I don’t wish it on anyone. It’s a lot of work being gay”.

    Think about all the damned effort these people put into banging each other in the ass. The Cleaning, watching what you eat, the cleanup afterwards and all the extra vaseline etc. these Idiots need to buy.

    It seems like a lot of work just to bleed from your shitter next day and Shit yourself like a Biden in Old age.

    Oh well, one more stupidity that I need not Give A Shit About!

  8. Anon about AIDS, yep AIDS was just a queer disease, until the druggie queers started sharing their needles with others, the queers pretending to not be queers by having wives brought it home to them, then the queers put the shit in the blood supply.

    So now they have another disease that is just a queer disease until they start spreading it in many of the same ways. They’re already giving it to children and dogs. I guess the good thing is not many of them pretend to not be queers anymore, so no unsuspecting wives catching it.

  9. How does this common “no judgment” statement hold up now? “I don’t care what consenting? adults do in private. It not a problem”.

    Oh yeah? Well, the Monkeypox globalist plandemic proves that statement is a crock. It’s currently, blatantly obvious deviants, freaks and perverts DO NOT stay in their lane.

    Evil doesn’t have boundaries. Deviants not only abuse each other, they seek out victims like sexual partners who are unaware of their “alternative” twisted lifestyle, children and animals. Any object available isn’t spared either.

    God, once again is absolutely right. He declared perversion a sin for a reason. It destroys civilization if unchecked and not considered a crime. It will come knocking at your door if you tolerate this evil sickening behavior – literally.
    See Genesis 19:1-28, The Holy Bible. Sodom and Gomorrah happened only because of a deviant Godless lifestyle that is out of control to this day.


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