Brittney Griner Just Got Smacked Down By Russian Court – IOTW Report

Brittney Griner Just Got Smacked Down By Russian Court

Blue State Conservative:
Brittney Griner was blessed with height, athleticism, having been born in a free country, and the uniquely American opportunity to become vastly wealthy as a result of the previous three things. In any other time in history – or indeed in any time right now in other countries – she would have touched her fame or fortune.

For her blessings, Griner chose to spit on the American flag and the American traditions that gave her – a gay black woman – so much. It’s disgusting how leftist ideology warped her to such a degree that the United States offered her endless opportunities and she returned the favor by hiding in the locker room like a bitter child.

So, as her Russian saga played out, she found little support back home. The irony that she would be imprisoned in Russia for an offense so meager back home (unless you were in Kamala Harris’ orbit) and was suddenly begging her hated America for help was delicious. I wouldn’t have wished Russian imprisonment on her, but neither will I lose sleep. You see, I know how good I have it here. Griner needed that lesson as it turns out.

And now she got some crushing news: Vladimir Putin’s no-nonsense criminal justice system is going to lock her up and make her pay for her offense.

According to Fox News, Griner was handed down a nine-year sentence and a fine of one million rubles after her guilty verdict. One million rubles amounts to about $16,000.

Following the sentence, Griner apologized for embarrassing those around her – her family, friends, and teammates – for having been caught with illegal hashish: more here

39 Comments on Brittney Griner Just Got Smacked Down By Russian Court

  1. “Griner needed that lesson as it turns out”

    The author assumes Griner is teachable or possesses the circumspection required for this lesson…………she isn’t and doesn’t.

    Sure, she misses the creature comforts that come with being wealthy and the adulation of fans that somehow find the WNBA entertaining (go figure) but in the end, she will blame our racist country for not getting her out sooner, and why? Because we are racist and just can’t help ourselves.

  2. I have no use for anyone who hates America. Shew can stay in prison and rot, she’s getting her just reward, and when she dies she’ll get more. She has an opportunity to repent. but I bet she’s an atheist as well. She knows how God feels about faggots.

  3. It is sorry it got caught, that’s all. thought it was so clever but isn’t. Not even smart enough to read up on foreign travel and what not to smuggle in. It is easy to find the information but she was either lazy or figured she would not be caught.

  4. Rich Taylor
    I got that message yesterday. Didn’t look today but yesterday, it went away. I’m hoping a little bit of moderation will get rid of those spam I-made-10-zillion-dollars-in-one-day things.

  5. Somehow, in her mind, it’s all Trump’s fault.

    These people (nihilistic totalitarians or, colloquially, liberals) are never responsible for their actions.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Let me tell you a story about a man named Clyde,

    Who cleaned an Outdoorjohn and damn near died,

    He was cleanin’ the commode and up from the well,

    Come a bubblin’ gas streamed straight from Hell,

    Clyde looked down and saw a face,

    A face so ugly he crapped his pants and ran in haste,

    For crawlin’ out of that commode was a man named John,

    Who just happened to be livin’ in that Outdoorjohn.

    Big Clyde.

    (Now, let me tell you a story about a man named John…)

  7. Anybody that has seen her/him play without a shirt knows that’s a man’s chest. Men’s boobs are shaped different from a womans even if they are small. I would post it if I could.

  8. If she were let out in a Month, and back on American Soil, does anyone think she will say, “I am thankful to be back in America, My Home, & where a Gay Person of Colour can make a great living playing a game and live without serious threat to my life based on my sexuality.” ???

    No Chance from her mouth.

  9. The Russians gave Griner a very light sentence for breaking their laws. She(?) could have gotten much worse. The Russians aren’t stupid. They’re not interested in giving the competition, Western progressive, globalist elites an excuse to threaten Russia.

    Ironically, President Trump would have had her(?) back in the U.S. in a week after she was charged.
    Still, Griner would have learned nothing from the experience and been embolden to continue her indoctrinated, BLM narrative.

    Glad this traitor will hopefully, spend the next 9 years in a Russian prison pondering the saying – “be careful what you wish for”. She(?) deserves it.

  10. “She” my deplorable ass! Brett is most assuredly a man. I’ve seen the shirtless photos and Adam’s apple.
    Why do people keep referring to him as a female, encouraging his mental health crisis?

  11. There are people born genetically female with male “framework” or vis-versa who can be defined as androgynous/hermaphroditism.

    Yes, pic does confirms Griner’s mixed male/female physique is an anomaly:×900 .

    What is particular bizarre about Griner is the skull shape seems too delicate and smaller than a male equivalent size. Also, the feet aren’t big as a man’s, yet Griner has a flat boyish chest and Adam’s apple with a deeper voice than a woman.
    Another thing Griner has is no facial hair or “5 o’clock shadow” as a man would. Griner’s hips are rounder than a man’s. Whatever you think Griner is, there is no doubt she/he is a freak of nature.

  12. “Hope in your ruling it does not end my life.?” “a political pawn?” What a couple of morons… None of the above is true. It, in all likelihood, tried to sneak a substance into Russia that is illegal and got caught. If anyone can be blamed for ruining the homosexual drug addict’s life it’s the law breaking homosexual drug addict itself. The other it must be on drugs too because last time i checked basketball wasn’t a political thing. America needs to take advantage of the opportunity to be rid of a homosexual drug addict that thinks it’s above the laws of any nation.

  13. Joe Biden, a known and longtime Ku Klux Klan associate, is actually giving the warning to all blacks of “This Is What I and Democrats Will Do To You If You Don’t Tow The Line’. All for the purposes of the Democrat Party continuing to keep a shackled stronghold on the black population. Without the black vote, the Democrat Party and their pro-poverty creeds will weaken and never make a comeback.

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