Selection Code – IOTW Report

Selection Code

Was 2020 stolen? It’s deeper than that.  

You’ve heard it said “Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything.”

What about those who code the vote?

What if our leaders aren’t actually being elected by us, but instead… selected? 

14 Comments on Selection Code

  1. My prediction is the moderate (corrupt) Republicans will do whatever they can to trash the campaigns of anyone recently endorsed by the legitimate President. Already seeing it:

    A damn good example of “selection” was the VA Governor’s race, there were a lot of great grassroots candidates, but instead the VA GOP “hosted” a “convention” of invite-only elites instead of letting us peons decide with a primary. As a result we got a “moderate” in Glenn Youngkin. Haven’t seen much progress since. We still need to flip state Congress completely, but I doubt Youngkin will really hear what the people want.

    These representatives are NOT representing us.

  2. In our little town of Warren, VT we have Dominion voting machines. I got there early for the primaries and was the only voter in a room with 5 poll workers. I challenged the town clerk who was there. She showed me the front and the back of the machines and said they were just like calculators. Then she showed me the printout that just looked like a long roll from a calculator with about 2 inches of data per voter. So, I bet they have different machines for different voting districts. Vermont is reliably democrat so they have simple machines here. But I bet they have fancier machines in swing states.


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