PA Dem Senate nominee Fetterman: Decriminalize all drugs, criminalize corporate price hikes – IOTW Report

PA Dem Senate nominee Fetterman: Decriminalize all drugs, criminalize corporate price hikes

JTN: Pennsylvania Democratic Lt. Gov. John Fetterman, who is running against GOP candidate Dr. Mehmet Oz in the U.S. Senate race, has supported soft-on-crime policies, COVID-19 lockdowns, pro-CRT teachers’ unions, decriminalizing all drugs, and criminalizing price hikes by private companies.

In 2015, while he was mayor of Braddock, Pa., Fetterman told The Nation that he supported the decriminalization of all drugs.

“I’m pro legalizing marijuana, but I go even further than some of my colleagues because I’m for decriminalizing across the board,” Fetterman said. “I see it as a public health issue, not a criminal issue. I’ve seen firsthand for the last 14 years the effects it has on families.”

In a 2018 podcast interview, Fetterman said of the drug crisis: “I think it’s important that we as a society get in front of it. I think it’s important that we as a society have all the options on the table — including needle exchange, which is only technically legal in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh — and even safe injection sites that are being considered.” more here

19 Comments on PA Dem Senate nominee Fetterman: Decriminalize all drugs, criminalize corporate price hikes

  1. This is just like biden* saying before the election he would end fossil fuels.
    And millions of fucking idiots cheered and voted for the cocksucker!

    This eight foot mongoloid fuck will likely win by also coming out against fracking and coal.

    It’s over people…we had a good run.

  2. Anybody that would vote for that basement dwelling shit head has no idea what America stands for. Fuck him and anybody that would vote for him! Let’s hope there is some common sense in Pennsylvania.

  3. @ mickey mouss

    Uncle Fester could put together a complete sentence. This Satanic ghoul was sent from Hell to destroy what’s left of Pennsylvania after Tom Wolfman burned it to the ground.

  4. Mayor of Braddock and Lt. Gov?
    WTF are they smoking in PA?

    In a just world this POS would be hanging around the dumpster trading blowjobs for shots of muscatel.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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