Study: The More Insane Public Schools Were About Covid, The More Parents Abandoned Them – IOTW Report

Study: The More Insane Public Schools Were About Covid, The More Parents Abandoned Them


As a new academic year begins across the country, parents and children are still trying to recover from the lockdown-related disruptions of the past two years. Many students may take years to overcome the learning losses they suffered due to Covid lockdowns—and some might never overcome it at all.

A recently released study demonstrates the unnecessary nature of much of this damage. That analysis shows that public school districts with tighter Covid restrictions suffered larger enrollment losses, while showing little correlation with Covid case rates.

The analysis, conducted by Nat Malkus of the American Enterprise Institute, analyzed enrollment data from 48 states (all except Kentucky and Tennessee). Overall, public school enrollment dropped by 2.7 percent in the first pandemic year, which began in the fall of 2020, and remained largely flat in the second pandemic year, which commenced last fall.

But cross-referencing these enrollment data with information on schools’ types of learning mechanisms reveals a different phenomenon. Malkus classified public school districts into three categories, based on their use of fully remote and hybrid methods of learning compared to fully in-person schools. The Return to Learn Tracker shows sharply divergent approaches to learning for the first pandemic year of 2020-2021—many schools remained fully remote or in hybrid form, while many others returned to fully in-person learning in the fall of 2020. more

5 Comments on Study: The More Insane Public Schools Were About Covid, The More Parents Abandoned Them

  1. I’ve heard reports as high as 14% in California. All kids moving to private schools. Public schools get their funding based off of attendance, so they’re not happy. Now they’re pushing for legislation to basically ban private schools.

  2. “Many students may take years to overcome the learning losses they suffered due to Covid lockdowns—and some might never overcome it at all.”

    Delving outside the realm of academics, how do you quantify the devastation in suicides, drug addiction, clinical depression, alcoholism, and probably the most prevalent, a total disruption of societal growth by masking, isolation, and lock-ups?

    Much like vaccinating a nation with a rushed-out experimental drug, it will take an accumulation of several years, and a cool objective unbiased clinician to report the results, to calcualte the long-term effects of this mass-enforced child abuse.

  3. “All this evidence suggests that a community’s political culture—but not the spread of the virus itself—played a strong role in whether parents pulled their students from public schools during the pandemic’s second year.”

    I’m in the wrong business! I should be putting out “study” results (based on my intuitive intellect).

    Study away, study-ers! The people who are afraid of the elastic in their own underwear don’t care about facts. And that’s a proven fact.

    If they had only gone for herd immunity instead of herd mentality. …

  4. Many Canuckistan universities are now mandating a 3rd shot, September Masking and redefining Fully Vaxed as everyone predicted.

    Quebec’s Premier is gleefully suggesting 5th shots for everybody “at Risk”

    The fuckers are refusing to let go.

    My 79 year old Roofer friend has had NO SHOT and was never sick, Our Lawyer has had 4 Hits & has had COOF 3 times. I Had lunch with them on Monday.

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