Jim Jordan says more FBI whistleblowers coming forward: ‘Every other week’ – IOTW Report

Jim Jordan says more FBI whistleblowers coming forward: ‘Every other week’

WaEx: A growing number of FBI whistleblowers are coming forward to Republican investigators in Congress, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) disclosed on Monday.

The congressman, who is the ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee, said in an interview there are now “over” 14 agents who have raised concerns with GOP lawyers on the panel over matters including the controversy surrounding a school boards memo, Jan. 6, and pressure to label cases “domestic violence extremism.”

“It overall shows the political nature, unfortunately, that we now have at the Justice Department,” Jordan said on Real America’s Voice. more

6 Comments on Jim Jordan says more FBI whistleblowers coming forward: ‘Every other week’

  1. We’re going to have to quit depending on the politicians to save us. Oklahoma is sending the murder loving RINO Mullin to the Senate, I still think he was selected, but the low voter turnout made it easy for them. It also didn’t help that Trump endorsed him, I was called multiple times last night being told to stand with President Trump and support Mullin. Not sure Shannon would have been a huge improvement, but I know what Mullin is.

    At least his rep seat is being replaced by someone OK2A and GOA endorsed. Hopefully he won’t disappoint as much as Mullin did.

  2. Until there are mass resignations, you know it isn’t sincere.
    These agents aren’t disgusted with what the FBI’s become, they’re just angry that they’re not part of the power structure – otherwise they’d be arresting the traitors in their midst.

    Bureaucratic cowards and lickspittles – most likely physically courageous, but moral cowards – willing to lick the blood-dripping fingers of their treasonous masters.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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