GOP Sen. Marshall asks HHS to preserve Fauci documents – IOTW Report

GOP Sen. Marshall asks HHS to preserve Fauci documents


Kansas Republican Sen. Roger Marshall sent a letter on Tuesday to Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra asking him to preserve documents and communications connected to Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Fauci announced on Monday he would retire as head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID) and as a White House adviser. He rose to prominence as a global health icon during the COVID-19 pandemic but also became a lightning rod for conservative criticism of stringent lockdown policies.

Republicans have vowed to investigate Fauci and his department over their handling of the pandemic. Marshall, in his letter, sought to preserve documents that may aid in that endeavor.

“I write with this official notice for you to immediately take steps to preserve all records and information related to Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Francis Collins currently within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and component agencies,” Marshall wrote to Becerra.

“HHS and component agencies, including NIH [National Institutes of Health] in particular, continue to obstruct numerous congressional investigations through refusal to provide responsive information. In additional to withholding information from Congress, private parties note that NIH refuses to comply with Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests until forced to do so by court order,” he continued. more

7 Comments on GOP Sen. Marshall asks HHS to preserve Fauci documents

  1. “…asking him to preserve documents and communications connected to Dr. Anthony Fauci.”

    Repubs ASK and are refused with no consequences.

    Dems DEMAND and follow it up with illegal raids at gunpoint and indefinite imprisonment without trial.

    …and we wonder why they always “win”…

  2. With his announced retirement date within view, I hope this dictator is treated to some lame duck months so he can’t do any more damage than he already has.

    It is staggering to think of the millions he’s killed with his medicinal experiments from AZT to the Mrna jabs.


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