U.S. embassy tells Americans to leave Ukraine – IOTW Report

U.S. embassy tells Americans to leave Ukraine


The U.S. embassy in Kyiv warned Americans that the Russian military plans to escalate its attacks on civilian targets and government buildings and advised them to leave the country if possible.

Wednesday will mark Ukrainian Independence Day and analysts fear Russia will mark the occasion with a renewed offensive. The embassy in Kyiv told Americans to leave the country “now using privately available ground transportation options if it is safe to do so,” according to the New York Post.

The State Department on Monday told Americans still in the country to “immediately seek cover” should sirens go off. “If in a home or a building, go to the lowest level of the structure with the fewest exterior walls, windows, and openings; close any doors and sit near an interior wall, away from any windows or openings.”

Russia currently controls a swath of territory in the south of Ukraine, extending from the eastern edge of the Mykolaiv Oblast all the way to the outskirts of Kharkiv. Russian forces took control of all of Luhansk following a Ukrainian retreat from the region at the end of June. July and August have thus far seen Moscow make few territorial gains. more here

6 Comments on U.S. embassy tells Americans to leave Ukraine

  1. Pack up your grifts and get out? I guess hat means no more celebrity hugs or phot shoots for the green shirt dictator. Or maybe he’ll be among the refugees. And they said to leave by ground transportation, so at least nobidy will be hanging from the landing gear of cargo planes.

    Then again, maybe this is all drama and propaganda from the Biden administration. Since when did they ever give any early warning to people when it was panic bug-out time?

  2. Years from now if we examine these politicians finances we will see an exponential increase of their personal wealth that oddly resembles a Biden 4AM voting curve during the Ukraine years! With hidden assets and front corporations we may even find Billionairs as a result!


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