The Parasites and the Have-Nots – IOTW Report

The Parasites and the Have-Nots

American Thinker:

Alexsandar Markovic

Frederick Taylor’s “scientific management” was all the rage when fascism and totalitarianism was on the rise in the 1920s–30s. It sounded good — people with pertinent knowledge and skills would occupy positions in logically designed organizations in which those qualities would be optimally employed.

In practice, the most common quality of scientifically managed firms was intense dissatisfaction among their workers.  That’s mostly because, in reality, people’s family, political connections, and willingness to “play ball” with the powerful and wealthy overshadowed everything else when it came to filling positions.  That’s why the purest expressions of scientific management — communist countries — failed and continue to fail so spectacularly on all metrics of popular well-being and welfare.

America’s founders recognized that human nature predisposed people to abuse power to serve their own interests, and designed checks and balances into our government to make such abuse difficult.  In the 233 years since we ratified the Constitution, those interested in subverting it have made substantial progress.

In communist societies, people in power act to preserve their best interest and the interests those closest to them, which screws everybody else and gives rise to a bifurcated society of “haves” and “have-nots.”  This happens every time socialism/communism is implemented — without exception.  It ultimately led to the deaths of over 100 million people in the 20th century alone.  We’re seeing the same trends in our country simply because power-holders here have surreptitiously implemented some of the defining characteristics of those collective societies. more here
h/t NAAC.

4 Comments on The Parasites and the Have-Nots

  1. Boys, our country is on borrowed time.

    The FBI raiding Trump’s home was the beginning of the end: you and I do not want to live with the corrupt left and their army of trash – and they want to destroy us. There is no way we can reconcile because all our institutions have been corrupted.

    If that wasn’t enough, we have 2 generations of blue hair idiots to deal with, who are never going to get sane or be productive, and we have a generation of BLM animals tearing up the streets.


  2. Fredrick Taylor fought unions. Alexsandar Markovic is full of shit. The “Scientific Management” espoused by Taylor was implemented incorrectly by the commies and also by capitalist titans of industry. Most people who bitch about Fredrick Taylor, only ever read what other dickbags wrote about him.

  3. “In communist societies, people in power act to preserve their best interest …”

    Actually, in EVERY society.

    Our Founders codified a Meritocracy with our Constitution (which circumscribes the Government – NOT the sovereign (which is us) – and is too little understood, even by hypocritical lawyers like Bill Barr) – but we allowed maggots to eviscerate it, tiny bites at a time – to our ultimate chagrin.

    Socialism is a chimera – a fraud – just as was our 2020 “election.” It is a lure to the ignorant, a salve to the parasitic, and a cudgel to the masters.

    “Scientific Management” was an aspect of “Scientific Socialism” which was touted to be superior to the chaos of Liberty.

    Socialism is a lie – a means to power – nothing more – same as izlam and a host of false religions – and make NO mistake; Socialism IS a religion.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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