European aid to Ukraine grinds to a halt – IOTW Report

European aid to Ukraine grinds to a halt


Support for Ukraine is crumbling not only among the population. Aid pledges from European countries are also falling rapidly.
The Institute has developed its own tool to measure the support provided by Western countries to Ukraine. The Ukraine Support Tracker is a database that tracks the financial, military and humanitarian assistance provided to Ukraine.

The tracker showed that for the month of July, support for Ukraine was crumbling. There were practically no further pledges of aid.

The tracker records the support services from a total of 40 countries. It differentiates into three categories: military, humanitarian and financial support. He also differentiates between promised aid and aid actually provided. In addition to the EU, the United States and Great Britain, data from Turkey, Australia, Norway, South Korea, New Zealand, China, India, Taiwan and Switzerland are also included.

Data for July shows that Ukraine’s six largest European countries have not made any further commitments. Only Norway has promised Ukraine further support in the form of financial aid of one billion euros.

However, the decline is in line with the trend: the promised support services had already fallen significantly in June. On the other hand, the data also showed that aid actually provided was increasing slightly. This means that the gap between promised aid and aid actually provided has been somewhat reduced.

Christoph Trebesch, head of the team compiling the Ukraine Support Tracker, pointed out that while Germany, for example, did not pledge any new weapons in July, it did deliver some of the weapons it had previously pledged in that month. more

13 Comments on European aid to Ukraine grinds to a halt

  1. 1. The Europeans know its a grift.

    2. The Europeans know that Washington, DC is run by complete fucktards who’ll happily pay for the entire effort by ruining our currency even more.

  2. Maybe they didn’t like the Pic of Zelensky & his broad on the Cover of Vogue.

    Come to think about it, they had that other Bastard Dictator Justine Turdeau & his Pig Nosed Slutwife on the Cover as well.


  3. It appears that the European corruptocrats haven’t figured out how to take advantage of the Ukrainian money laundering machinery that our American corruptocrats are enriching themselves with.

  4. Well, it is a bullshit way to measure what is happening. So, the promises have slowed…yeah, the check is in the mail…

    What matters is when promises are fulfilled. Then what Ukraine manages to achieve with the various materials.

    I wouldn’t bet on Ukraine pulling this one out of the fire.

  5. Most do not understand this part of the “Story”. This is only another episode of “Poke the Bear” and see what it does. Any rational thinking person should be amazed at the restraint shown by Putin. Any of “our” guys would have bombed Kiev to ruins by now.

  6. Perhaps those ‘supporters’ have finally acknowledged the fact that the Ukraine government are wholly corrupt and known to be so for years plus are vicious ethnic cleansers under the malicious Zelensky who’s in league with fellow (KKK) racist Joe Biden. Thousands of Ukraine Americans living in the US can testify to that documented fact.


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