“Someone needs to grab that little elf and chuck him across the Potomac”… – IOTW Report

“Someone needs to grab that little elf and chuck him across the Potomac”…

20 Comments on “Someone needs to grab that little elf and chuck him across the Potomac”…

  1. Anyone for a Fauci chunkin demonstration to see how far that he can be chucked across the Potomac. It’s a bird, it’s a plane, nope it just ol doc Fauci being given a glorious sendoff into a permanent dirt nap. SPLAT! And let the beagles be the ones who activate his sendoff into oblivion.

  2. Better yet, someone should expose him to COVID Delta and force him to endure the same treatment protocols that killed half a million Americans.

    And just before he kicks off, show his last waking moments on live TV and let him see tens of millions of Americans celebrating his death

  3. He needs to be hung for treason, for violating the Nuremberg Laws, and for mass murder.

    If he had as many lives as he has has caused deaths, I would have appetite for them all.


    May his life be short, may he be humiliated by his own shit and piss as he mounts the gallows, may his pleas for the mercy he denied millions sound as the squeals of a sow to his executioner, his death be excruciatingly painful, his corpse left to hang until it falls apart, and his fallen body left for dogs he maimed that they may vie with the vultures to tear it to shreds that they receive a measure of justice of their own.

  4. DeSantis I predict will be the 2024 Presidential nominee. Media and WH are already blaming Trump for the jab deaths and injuries. They are using Trump’s own words against him. The narrative has changed and no problem for liberals to blame Trump for everyone’s misery. I said this would happen, and this is why Elfie is stepping down. The jab has finally caught up with Trump. He pushed it! Operation Warp Speed, liberals haven’t lost anything with the jab. Nope, the jab signs at all the drug stores are nonexistant. You can still get a PCR test – gotta get one in November to travel. Crap! Don’t care, I’m going!

    They are blaming the vaccine on Trump now. That’s an indicator of how The Science (TM) going in the real world.


    Panel: Trump staffers pushed unproven COVID treatment at FDA


    The narrative has begun. Democrats won’t push the jab any longer, watch and see. Notice nothing is being done with the monkeypox?

  5. “Yes, we will have peace,” he said now in a clear voice, “we will have peace, when you and all your works have perished–and the works of your dark master to whom you would deliver us. You are a liar, *Fauci*, and a corrupter a men’s hearts. You hold out your hand it to me, and I perceive only a finger of the claw of *Satan*. Cruel and cold! Even if your war on me was just–as it was not, for were you ten times as wise you would have no right to rule me and mine for your own profit as you desired–even so, what will you say of your *deadly fake vaxxines worldwide* and the children that lie dead *everywhere*? * When you *and all who supported you* hang from a gibbet at your window for the sport of your own crows, I will have peace with you and *Washington*. So much for the *people of America*. A lesser son of great sires am I, but I do not need to lick your fingers. Turn elsewhither. But I fear your voice has lost its charm.”
    -Apologies To JRR Tolkien, “The Two Towers”

  6. For anybody pushing DeSantis, you should know there are plenty of people who will not vote at all, including me, if Trump is not the nominee. Yeah, DeSantis talks big because he has the power of the legislators behind him in his state. He would not be so lucky in DC. I will not vote for him because he’s been secretly fundraising in Utah with Mitt Romney.

    That last sentence alone disqualifies him.

  7. Just Askin’
    That article is from last April. Try harder.

    Trump was lied to and took the vaccine himself. He thought he was doing a good thing by pushing them to everybody. Even the CDC has admitted they misled him during the whole lockdown period. And then they and the media laughed at and ridiculed him for suggesting alternate medicines like HCQ and invermectin.

    He wanted people to go back to work. He wanted people to get on with their lives. He never mandated anything.

    The ultimate criminals are the people who required the jabs to work, get on airplanes, or lead a normal life. They have scarred our children, kept us from attending the funerals of our loved ones, kept us from dying relatives in the hospital and you have the goddamn nerve to blame it on Trump. Eat a dick, troll.

  8. It seems clear to me that the likes of Fauxci, et al, can be influenced only by the actions proposed by SNS and TFF. They have committed so many crimes against humanity and basic Western decency for so long without any consequence that direct, merciless and terminal action likely is all that might encourage the rest of them to change their ways.


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