Liz Cheney: The Media’s Own Elian Gonzalez – IOTW Report

Liz Cheney: The Media’s Own Elian Gonzalez

Patriot Retort:

Remember Elian Gonzalez?

Well, if you’re my age or thereabouts, you probably do.

Elian Gonzalez was the little Cuban boy whose mother drowned at sea while the two of them made the dangerous trip to Florida back in 1999.

With his mother dead, little Elian was taken to relatives in Miami. Meanwhile, back home in Cuba, his father was demanding Elian be returned to him. A court battle ensued between Elian’s Miami and Cuban relatives.

Finally, in January 2000, the Clinton administration caved to Cuba and Attorney General Janet Reno sent armed officers into the house to retrieve the boy. You remember that iconic picture of the terrified Elian Gonzalez crammed in the closet with his relative as an agent in full tactical gear pointed a rifle at him.

When Elian Gonzalez returned to Cuba, the Castro regime wasted no time parading the kid and his father around. Elian became one hell of a powerful propaganda tool for the ruling regime against those evil, evil Americans.

And yesterday, as I sat watching a clip from Liz Cheney’s interview on ABC’s This Week, I couldn’t help but think of Elian Gonzalez. more

12 Comments on Liz Cheney: The Media’s Own Elian Gonzalez

  1. Oh, I remember that. The President who had to bomb an aspirin factory when he did because he did not want to do it during Ramadan and upset the people that we were have a little, shall we say, war with had no problem sending armed troops into a predominantly Catholic neighborhood in the United States on Easter morning. Yeah, you don’t want to piss off and frighten people you are at war with but feel free to do it to people who legally live in your country. The old Democrat way.

  2. I remember when sellers on ebay were selling joke Elian items…jars of air from his uncle’s backyard, blankets he was wrapped in while on the raft, pieces of wood from the raft, teddy bears that were taken away from him, etc. It was funny back in the day.

  3. That photo of her on ABC – she looks like a depressed loser who just realized she screwed up.

    She eagerly swallowed the Kool-Aid served up by the media and now she’s down in the dumps, where she should be. Dumb and even dumber.

  4. What in world are you talking about?
    Elian escaped a communist dictatorship, lost his mother at sea, and with the assistance of Bill Clinton was forcibly removed from America at gunpoint and returned to a communist dictatorship a was forced to be a tool of Fidel Castro.

    What this has to do with Liz Cheney totally escapes me.

    And I am not reading that too clever by half link.

  5. @RadioMattM August 25, 2022 at 4:32 pm

    > sending armed troops into a predominantly Catholic neighborhood in the United States on Easter morning

    The Papists will throw their wallets at the troops, before kneeling down and spreading their cheeks. The Muslims… not so much.

    Who deserves my Thoughts And Prayers(TM)?

  6. That famous pic of the armed Fed pointing his rifle at Elian in his closet should be photoshopped to show him pointing it at Melania’s closet.

    I just realized how much I have hated the feds for decades now…

  7. @TRF,
    not only does Liz look like the ugly ass loser from PA (now esconsed in the Brandon Circus of Freaks Administration) but she looks like her zombie-dead father in a wig!


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