Fauci, Klain, the Gof Pause, Ecohealth Alliance, & VP Joe Biden’s Biowarfare Ambitions – IOTW Report

Fauci, Klain, the Gof Pause, Ecohealth Alliance, & VP Joe Biden’s Biowarfare Ambitions

Midnight in the Laptop of Good and Evil:

In May 2021, I interviewed RADM Dr. Stephen Redd about a series of unusual meetings I noticed in the Obama White House visitor logs. He was generous with his time and recollections. Since that interview, evidence I have seen in the Hunter Biden Laptop casts a sinister pall over the meetings we discussed and the chain of events they generated. I will have more information on that in upcoming Substacks. For now, here is a verbatim transcription of the Admiral’s portion of our interview. I have edited some of my responses for brevity. A careful reading of my previous posts of my interview with the Admiral will confirm I published our discussion from back to front.

QUESTION: On November 17, 2014, there was a meeting in the Situation Room, and your name is one of — one, two, three, four, five people in that meeting. And the person you were scheduled to meet there was Ron Klain. Do you have any recollection of that meeting? MORE