Ohio GOP Director Justin Bis Bullies Independent Candidate Terpsehore Maras With Big Dollar Law Firm – IOTW Report

Ohio GOP Director Justin Bis Bullies Independent Candidate Terpsehore Maras With Big Dollar Law Firm

I used to hate politics. I honestly still do.

Ohio’s Voice: In fact, the more I become involved, the more I develop a newly refined distaste for them.

I liken it to a flavor not too dissimilar to used cat litter that has grown mold, whereas the more I learn the more I realize what a slimy, sleazy and deceptive tree of corruption our nation and world governing bodies have grown into.

In sticking with the tree analogy, it is an arborist’s nightmare, so rife with the sight and stench of rotten seed that it is, often and sometimes literally, strangling out all of the budding fruit before it even has a chance to realize it’s full potential.

Surprisingly, where I used to find the political landscape boring and nothing more than a good reason to change the channel on the television, I now have a newfound appreciation for the inner workings that underpin the machine driving our illusory perception of reality as the real levers are being pulled behind the curtain.

I’m finding that if you hyper focus on any specific area, person or group within the political landscape, a picture will begin to emerge that was previously imperceptible.

I liken it to those Magic Eye pictures you see in the comic section of the newspaper.

Upon initially viewing it, you see the abstract image as it is presented.

But as you pull it close, back it off, turn it upside down, crumble it up and throw it in the garbage, you get yourself nowhere but frustrated because all along you are looking but never seeing.

It’s not until later, when you pull it back out of the waste basket for one last college try, that you finally begin to make out some of the details. Then suddenly your eyes catch a glimpse of a line, the shapes begin pulling together as your brain shifts and you begin to see that part of the picture that had been hiding there in plain sight the entire time. Now you have transcended from merely looking to finally seeing.

This too, is what happens in the world we all would like to think we know so intimately.  A world controlled by the controllers, the gatekeepers and ultimately, managed by their minions trying to scratch and claw their way into their own perceived relevance by doing the bidding of the former.

What follows below will be another side of the same story currently being circulated, sans all of the copy and paste disinformation that you will find elsewhere regarding this particular subject. Hopefully some readers out there will find this perspective analysis useful.

For the sake of full transparency, I am an active member of the Maras for Ohio campaign team.

This report comes to you not from a pundit, a reporter or even someone with credentials from a public office, but from the perspective of a father, an Ohio voter and a campaign insider with first hand experience of working within the corrupt machinations that are sadly our election process.

Although my tone in this article may lean towards Ms. Maras, my true north objectivity, always points to what is factual regardless of what side those facts may fall on. more

2 Comments on Ohio GOP Director Justin Bis Bullies Independent Candidate Terpsehore Maras With Big Dollar Law Firm

  1. I would be better served by my government if my representatives were mothers and fathers, factory workers, miners, service workers, mechanics, janitors and so on.
    Unfortunately I’m represented with little exception by career politicians and lawyers.
    I think I’m starting to see the problem.

  2. You know the old saying men in overalls built this country and men in suits have been tearing it down.
    So we get these crooks who even local media never exposes, then you have dark money that floods your state with lies over and over, this year they’ve produced double if not triple the number of ads than the candidates have produced.
    When you look them up and if you can find who’s behind them, they 99% of the time originate in D.C. You find phone numbers for them only to get pre-paid phones that no longer work.

    Then to top it all off you have machines counting your votes, then there’s the early voting and I would trust local precincts with the old ladies handling my ballot compared to county employees in the courthouse.

    What do I know though, the men in suits tell me it would take too long and cost too much to hand count ballots. I told them I could hand count ballots in most of the precincts in my county just as quick as they manage to get the results. I think the largest precinct in my county last general election had 300 voters. How long could it take for each precinct to hand count 300 ballots?

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