President Donald Trump Rally: Wilkes-Barre, PA – IOTW Report

President Donald Trump Rally: Wilkes-Barre, PA

Saturday, September 3, 2022: Join the RSBN crew LIVE from Wilkes-Barre/Scranton, PA for all day coverage of President Donald J. Trump’s SAVE AMERICA rally.

10 Comments on President Donald Trump Rally: Wilkes-Barre, PA

  1. Great rally and a good address.

    Would have loved to have been there. Sure do miss him and will wear some of my hoarded MAGA gear this week just to say “I miss Him.”

    He is the legitimate President after all.

  2. Trump in a high whiny voice, he’s not my friend anymore if fact he is my enemy, enemy of the state. What state would that be Ms Trump. Trump, that would be my state & my comrades state, our Motherland, Russia of course.

  3. President Trump is the only individual who actually gives us HOPE …. not the fake Hope & Change from a fake American citizen with fake Roman columns, Ofucknuts.

    Trump is right — we have a country to Re-Make Great again… the current path we are on will only lead to more decline and destruction, never to rise again. Please God — lead America out of this dark tunnel !

  4. Interesting how the non thinking leftists would rather a satanic Pres making up crimes and basically declaring war on people who don’t go along with him and his string pullers 100% than have a POTUS who encourages independent thinking, independent living, hope, who wishes success for ALL Americans, et.

  5. Hey Georgie Porgie, thumbing yourself up is a no-no. So is writing non-thinking, non-nonsensical comments. Go find a lefty circle jerk site where you will feel more comfortable…and satisfied.

  6. I know that area, mostly rural, small towns, farms. That means thousands of people drove hours to be at that rally.
    In 2016, I knew DJT was going to ‘win’ PA because he held a rally in Hershey, Pa and those thousands of people flocked to him, supported him
    I reasoned, if he wins PA, then he’ll win Ohio, W.VA and we knew Indiana was in the winning box too.
    That night, election night, was magical for me. I watched all night as the MSM tried to find a “path” for Hillary and found nothing. MAGA! USA! USA!

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