Labor Day Is A Celebration Of American Exceptionalism, Job Creators, And Hard Workers – IOTW Report

Labor Day Is A Celebration Of American Exceptionalism, Job Creators, And Hard Workers


For most people, Labor Day is a rather vague holiday without the clarity and meaning typically associated with other holidays. Yet in its most complete context, Labor Day should be recognized as the holiday that celebrates not only labor, but also the ideas, job creators, and institutions central to the flourishing of the United States and its people.

For starters, consider the tools brought by the colonists who arrived in the New World along the eastern seaboard that would become the United States. These were the same rudimentary tools — such as shovels, axes, hoes, and ploughs — that had been used for prior centuries. But something happened in America that sped up economic development and transformed labor output beyond what had ever happened previously in human history.

Colonial America certainly benefited from the fact that early settlers were a self-selecting people willing to leave the familiarity of their European homes and cross a dangerous ocean. Because they were tough and willing to sacrifice and take risks, these settlers were predisposed to forgo immediate gratification and to work hard. And they not only prospered, but within a generation or two, many of their descendants achieved surprising wealth that in many cases was created from nothing. In addition, in contrast to today, what stands out about towns and cities in colonial America was the relative absence of poverty. more

15 Comments on Labor Day Is A Celebration Of American Exceptionalism, Job Creators, And Hard Workers

  1. “…Labor Day Is A Celebration Of American Exceptionalism, Job Creators, And Hard Workers…”

    Which is exactly why the DemoCommieCrats hate this day and what it stands for.

  2. Working hard VS. working smarter ?

    How about working hard at working smarter?

    Also, working smarter at working hard.

    Works for me. But I’m retired now. Yet, all I really like to do is work.

  3. “…Labor Day Is A Celebration Of American Exceptionalism, Job Creators, And Hard Workers…”

    We might as well have a holiday celebrating the Passenger Pigeon, the McGuffy Reader, or the Betamax.

    Although there is no greater advocate of American Exceptionalism, love of country, and an unflinching work ethic than myself, I always thought Labor Day was kind of a bullshit holiday, more as a sop to organized labor and those lazy federal workers that pride themselves on doing the bare minimum.

  4. We are so far off the rails in virtually everything our Founders envisioned as well as cautioned us about that were they to pick up a newspaper, they would not recognize the country they created.

    Virtually every one of the original 10 Amendments except the 3rd are not much more than doormats these days. The 9th & 10th, almost as important as the 1st & 2nd, have been virtually ignored for over 100 years.

    Millions of unionized federal workers? Getthefuckouttahere.

    Last year our federal government took in $4.1 Trillion in taxes and still needed to conjure up out of thin air ANOTHER $3 Trillion. Our Founders had enough with a 2p tax on tea! As the old saying goes, Washington would be stacking bodies like cordwood by now.

  5. I’ve been rewarding checkers at our local grocery store here. During the pandemic, they weren’t a-holes to people about wearing a mask, distancing, etc. It’s nothing special, but it makes the employee feel special. I buy them bouquets of flowers and thank them for showing up to work and knowing how to treat people – their loyal customers. WalMart employees get jack from me. Their loyalty was to WalMart and they were puffed up with power over you. Now that checkers are being eliminated at WalMart, they aren’t so loyal to WalMart now. I don’t care.

  6. Which is why I’m watching The Godfather pt.II right now – the hard-working mafioso made that happen!!! Beats watching Brandon parade thru Pittsburgh like he made something (good) happen!

  7. “Working hard VS. working smarter ?
    How about working hard at working smarter?”

    Plan your work, and work your plan.

    ” I always thought Labor Day was kind of a bullshit holiday, ”
    Me too, I work 90 percent of them. I’m working today.

    “We are so far off the rails in virtually everything our Founders envisioned”

    Agreed. But it’s not “US”, it’s our Government. Is our Government a reflection of our vote? I don’t think so. With the combination of non-elected Bureaucrats, and Governors and Law Makers that sign bills into legislation with no input from the people, we’re on the road to losing our country.
    Last month it was very quietly reported that our very own Department of Energy handed the Chinese a new battery we have developed. DOE attracts some very talented bainiacs. I researched that battery the best I could and they are saying it has the potential to meet all the electrical power needs for a home for up to a year. AND WE GAVE IT TO THE CHINESE.
    We need to burn this shit down so we can once again achieve and maintain Exceptionalism with out our own Government constantly tripping us up.
    I had to add this. Today the brain dead media is touting new and critical legislation that Newsom signed. Bless the man, he has made it ILLEGAL for the medical profession to, here’s the magic word, DISCRIMINATE against cannabis users.
    I’m wondering how often that ever happens? And I’m thinking NEVER. Because it’s already against the law.
    How much time and money did these morons waste on that fill good bull shit move. Politicians are the lowest life form on earth.

  8. @ Brad

    I\’m interested in researching that battery myself. A link to get started would be appreciated. I suspect it\’s probably BS. A battery is an energy storage device. To power a house for a year, a years worth of energy has to be inputted into that battery. This has always been possible, just not practical.

    If you carpeted Kentucky six feet deep in car batteries, you may be able to store enough energy to power Al Gore\’s Tennessee home for a year.

  9. …and hard work. Yes, I mean the work itself. Without things that NEED doing (and no, art and poetry don’t count), we would have much sooner devolved into merciless tyrants and thugs. We humans NEED that adversity – not just to grow, but to survive.

    God bless the WORK!

  10. Brad

    You list three links, one from NPR and the other two use the NPR article as their source. I consider NPR to be a ptetty dubious source. Other than a few outlandish claims, none of the links provide any information about these utopian batteries.

    From NPR “”It was beyond promise,” said Chris Howard, one of the engineers who worked there for a U.S. company called UniEnergy. “We were seeing it functioning as designed, as expected.”

    According to wikipedia, another dubious source, “In October 2021, UniEnergy filed for involuntary Chapter 11 bankruptcy, listing no assets or debts.”

    What kind of business has no assets and no debts and why and how could they be forced into bankruptcy? Something doesn’t pass the smell test. Most likely somebodies grant didn’t come thru.

    NPR again “The researchers found the batteries capable of charging and recharging for as long as 30 years.”

    How do they know this ten year old battery is going to last another twenty years? The same way they know climate change is going to make the earth uninhabitable in ten years. It isn’t even conjecture, it’s pure unadulterated BULLSHIT. This is the same thinking that got us wind and solar farms.

    Google’s not my friend and neither is NPR nor wikipedia but they can be useful. Just use with caution.

    By the way, I’ve got a number of friends whose homes use car batteries when the generator isn’t running as well as a couple that only use D cells for their radio but I doubt you’d care for their lifestyle.

  11. Labor day was nothing but a sop rag to give the impression the government ‘cared’ about labor. Review the use of force, government and private, against labor organization between say, 1880 and the glorious day they established Labor Day in 1894. Count the deaths and injuries as the powers sought to put down the efforts for better wages and conditions during that time. Labor Day was meant to dry the tears of the survivors.

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