Oregon: Portland Antifa riot arrestee charged in child sex sting – IOTW Report

Oregon: Portland Antifa riot arrestee charged in child sex sting


A Portland, Ore. far-left activist who was repeatedly charged with felonies during the summer of Antifa riots in 2020 has been arrested last Friday in a child sex sting.

Aubrey Ryan Quinn-Ward, 25, was arrested on Sept. 2 in neighboring Washington County by deputies following an investigation into online pedophiles. Law enforcement posed as children on social media platforms in a child predator sting that also resulted in the arrests of four other men in the Portland area. Quinn-Ward allegedly traveled to meet a child for sex but was instead arrested by law enforcement.

Quinn-Ward has been charged with luring a minor and first-degree online sexual corruption of a child — both felonies. He was quickly released without bail the following day. He has pleaded not guilty to both charges. more

18 Comments on Oregon: Portland Antifa riot arrestee charged in child sex sting

  1. “Quinn-Ward has been charged with luring a minor and first-degree online sexual corruption of a child — both felonies. He was quickly released without bail the following day.”

    WTF?! Oh, wait — it’s Portland. Nevermind, then…

  2. ** Antifa try-outs **
    Be a no-talent, completely worthless piece of shit to Society.
    Must have past criminal history.
    Bring Criminal Track Record.
    Extra points for being on the National Criminal Database.

  3. It is 100% safe to assume that anyone who is sympathetic to the progressive movement and/or the progressive agenda is by default sympathetic to and supports child molestation and child grooming

  4. when your lifetime employer/sponsor is the FBI charges are always dismissed due to lack of spines in Portland. They will find him one day with 2 .22 behind his left ear and his kiddie prick whacked off and shoved down his throat before said bullet placement. It will be listed as covid related and buried along w/the rest of the garbage the FBI throws out daily.

  5. If any amount of Justice existed in Portland, DA Mike Schmidt would be swinging from a live Oak with a bullseye 🎯 on his forehead.
    Da fuk is wrong with Portlanders who keep electing scum???


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