Man arrested after beheading young mother in middle of San Carlos street: law enforcement sources – IOTW Report

Man arrested after beheading young mother in middle of San Carlos street: law enforcement sources

SAN CARLOS, Calif. (KGO) — Law enforcement sources tell the ABC7 I-Team’s Dan Noyes that a man beheaded a young woman in the middle of the street in front of witnesses on Thursday.

The San Mateo Co. Sheriff’s Department said the crime happened in the 300-400 block of Laurel Street and Magnolia Avenue at 11:50 a.m.

During a press conference, Lieutenant Eamon Allen said that the crime happened in the street outside the victim’s residence.

Lieutenant Allen said that the victim had two children, who did not witness the crime, and sources tell the I-Team’s Dan Noyes the kids were inside the house at the time.

The I-Team obtained law enforcement records on the incident that said, just before noon, reports came in that the woman’s head was cut off by a sword. At 12:14 p.m., “Children are there, scared to come… want their mom.”

CPS took custody of the 7-year-old and 1-year-old girls, along with a dog and two cats who were also inside the house.

We’re told the two were in an ongoing relationship but law enforcement sources say the victim got a temporary restraining order against the suspect, Hayward resident Jose Solano Landaeta, in April. more here

19 Comments on Man arrested after beheading young mother in middle of San Carlos street: law enforcement sources

  1. What’s so unusual about someone beheading a young mother in middle of the street? –Ohhhhh – this was in California…

    What’s so unusual about someone beheading a young mother in middle of a California street?

  2. Beheading a person isn’t a part of the American culture, especially an attack so horrific as to commit the act in the middle of the day in the center of town. The victim had a restraining order against the perp, turns out the piece of paper was useless. One of our major problems is that those of us that see something is drastically wrong also see that law enforcement and the courts don’t seem to be on our side. Somehow the shit will hit the fan.

  3. “What’s so unusual about someone beheading a young mother in middle of a California street?”

    Well, you have google. Go find the last time it happened. You’ll be gone a while.

  4. “… a man beheaded a young woman in the middle of the street in front of witnesses on Thursday.”
    “… restraining order against the suspect …”

    He’s a fukkin “suspect?” Something’s seriously wrong, here.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. yeah, that’s about as well as restraining orders usually work.

    Laws only restrain the law abiding, which most Democrats and Democrat pets are not.

    See the fraudulently installed pedophile rapist currently illegally occupying the White House for further details.

  6. Her father said: “Every time I saw her, I would beg her. Don’t talk to him. Leave him and it seemed like the more I did that, the more she would see him.”

    So there you go, she wouldn’t listen to her father’s pleas, she didn’t think about her children either. What good was the restraining order? I had no idea Mexicans were into decapitation. Well, the children are now orphans, they’re already starting life out with tragedy.

  7. Castro fires back, “U wanna put a target on my back, ur homies gunna kno the real u” and threatens to expose his sexual relationship with another man. She adds, “Dude, go head try and take my a** out.”

    He’s a FAGGOT and probably an illegal alien or “dreamer” as well

  8. Open borders have consequences.

    Know what else has consequences? Young women who obtain a TRO then continue to see her abuser.
    She had two daughters, 7 and 1. The youngest by her murderer.
    She also knew the perp had a history of rape of a
    Minor. Yet, she persisted!

    None of this is excusable, but there’s always an underlying saga.

    But at least her grandma was vaxxed and boosted!

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