Dem Senate Candidate Tim Ryan Says He Wants ‘New Leaders’ Instead Of Biden In 2024 – IOTW Report

Dem Senate Candidate Tim Ryan Says He Wants ‘New Leaders’ Instead Of Biden In 2024

Daily Caller:

Democratic Senate candidate Tim Ryan said in an interview Thursday he thinks there needs to be “new leaders” when asked if President Joe Biden should run again in 2024.

“You just listed off his performance, do you think he should run again in 2024?” a reporter for WMFJ-TV, a station in Youngstown, Ohio, asked Ryan in a sit down interview.

“My hunch is that we need new leadership across the board,” said Ryan, an Ohio congressman. “I think it’s time for a generational move for new leaders on both sides. I think the environment politically across the country is poisonous and people I think want some change.”

Ryan, who claimed in the interview he is “campaigning as an Independent,” is running against Republican venture capitalist and “Hillbilly Elegy” author J.D. Vance. The congressman has sought to distance himself from Biden while running in a competitive race.

Vance and Ryan’s race leans Republican, according to the Cook Political Report, a nonpartisan election tracker. The race could decide which party takes control in 2022 of the Senate, which is a toss-up, according to Politico’s 2022 election forecast. more here

7 Comments on Dem Senate Candidate Tim Ryan Says He Wants ‘New Leaders’ Instead Of Biden In 2024

  1. Leave it to a Demonrat to want a new “leader” (führer, in German) in 2024.

    These clowns don’t understand that whole “self-rule through representation” kind of government, do they? Always looking for a führer.
    It’s little wonder that they steal elections and lie all the time.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. MySonHunter Joe Biden isn’t a “leader” and was never leadership material from the jump. If he’s anything at all he’s merely a willing stooge-terrorist riding a stick pony, pretending he’s some sort of hero while flexing droopy undeveloped muscles. LOLOL

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