The Dark History of the Royals – IOTW Report

The Dark History of the Royals
Queen Elizardbeast is dead, long live King Charles?!

Yes, for those lucky souls who are so blissfully detached from the 24/7 newsfeeds that you haven’t heard yet, I bring you the news that the longest-reigning monarch in British history, Queen Elizabeth II, is dead.

It’s tempting to interpret the double rainbow that appeared over Buckingham Palace when Her Royal Lowness kicked the royal bucket as a sign that her death is indeed a present from God, but—as I am always at pains to observe upon such occasions—the death of an unrepentant sinner is no victory and there is no solace in the removal of but one of the Hydra’s many heads. If anything, the reign of King Charles will doubtless be even more ignoble than that of his mother.

Whatever the future may hold for the loyal subjects of His Royal Highness, the Great Reset-shilling, pedophile-befriending, carbon eugenics-pushing King Charles III, given the disheartening (if predictable) reaction of the normies to this latest royal passing, nothing could be timelier than an in-depth exploration of the lowlights of the British royal family. So, even though I am going to drop an 18,000 word, two-hour documentary conclusion in the next 24 hours(!!!), I have taken time out of my schedule to bring you this.

“Enjoy” is the wrong word, but you get the idea. more

17 Comments on The Dark History of the Royals

  1. Stick it to the rich! Make ’em pay their fair share!1!11!

    The Queen’s personal assets will now be passed down to Charles III, once he officially takes the throne. Due to a special legal clause (that aims to avoid erosion of the royal family’s wealth), he won’t pay the 40% inheritance tax.


  2. I keep thinking about that poor, desperate, naked boy who knotted bed sheets together and tried to climb out of the Windsor castle window and fell to the concrete below. Or those kids who disappeared in Canada after Elizabeth’s and Philip’s visit.

    These people were evil and their perversions were passed on to most of their kids.

  3. Whatever. I’m just glad I don’t live under British rule.
    They did leave countries they invaded in better shape when they left. Unlike Pedo Joe Hitler.
    I have never seen the adoration as logical. The royal family lives off money they didn’t earn and they don’t do anything with it to actually help anyone. But the people love them.
    Charles is going to try to turn England into California with his green agenda bulloney.
    When he goes, is William going to be King? He’s worse than his father with all the greenie stuff.

  4. Harry screwed up marrying a half-breed. I’m sure that episode stuck in the Queen’s craw. I actually thinks it’s funny that Harry and Meg rocked the Royals boat, yet at the same time expecting to enjoy the spoils. I think the pedo prince is happy the limelight is off of him for the time being.

  5. I do hope that in her casket, they placed Obama’s gift from when they met. It’s an IPOD loaded with all of HIS most memorable speeches! I mean she shouldn’t have to go into the after life without that gem!

  6. Prince Charles (Prince Upchuck as I call him) is just lucky that he won’t meet the same fate as Charles the 1st King of England (he was the son of King James of the King James Bible fame) in the mid 1600’s who was executed by Oliver Cromwell. Charles the 2nd eventually recovered the monarchy later, but he wasn’t a very good King of England either.

  7. No worries. Stacey Abrams has said that Charles Rex III has usurped the crown from her rightful head. She will be going to Britain post-haste to claim her role as the Queen.

  8. “No worries. Stacey Abrams has said that Charles Rex III has usurped the crown from her rightful head. She will be going to Britain post-haste to claim her role as the Queen.” – You’re gonna need a bigger crown.

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