Whistleblower: China, India had agents working for Twitter – IOTW Report

Whistleblower: China, India had agents working for Twitter

WASHINGTON (AP) — Twitter’s former security chief told Congress Tuesday there was “at least one agent” from China’s intelligence service on Twitter’s payroll and that the company knowingly allowed India to add agents to the company roster as well, potentially giving those nations access to sensitive data about users.

These were some of the troubling revelations from Peiter “Mudge” Zatko, a respected cybersecurity expert and Twitter whistleblower who appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee to lay out his allegations against the company.

Zatko told lawmakers that the social media platform is plagued by weak cyber defenses that make it vulnerable to exploitation by “ teenagers, thieves and spies” and put the privacy of its users at risk.

“I am here today because Twitter leadership is misleading the public, lawmakers, regulators and even its own board of directors,” Zatko said as he began his sworn testimony.

“They don’t know what data they have, where it lives and where it came from and so, unsurprisingly, they can’t protect it,” Zatko said. “It doesn’t matter who has keys if there are no locks.”

“Twitter leadership ignored its engineers,” he said, in part because “their executive incentives led them to prioritize profit over security.” more

3 Comments on Whistleblower: China, India had agents working for Twitter

  1. And all the LibTards mocked when Musk waffled on buying Twatter without proofs and verifications.
    GO ELON!


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