Dem Candidate Says Biden Is Corrupt, Son Hunter a ‘Dope Fiend’ – IOTW Report

Dem Candidate Says Biden Is Corrupt, Son Hunter a ‘Dope Fiend’


One Ohio Democrat is taking the idea of running away from the unpopular Joe Biden to a whole new level.

In a virtual town hall on Tuesday, Ohio Democrat David Esrati accused the president of corruption and called his son Hunter Biden a “dope fiend.”

“I know I’m a Democrat and everything, but do you want to tell me what Joe Biden’s done since he got elected when he was 27 years old?” said Esrati, the Democratic nominee for Ohio’s 10th Congressional District. “How does he own all those houses? How is he worth what he’s worth? I mean, yeah, a book deal here or there, but no, something isn’t right about going in and serving your country and getting to be a multimillionaire.”

Vulnerable Democratic House and Senate candidates across the country have distanced themselves from the president ahead of the midterm elections, portraying themselves to voters as independent and bipartisan politicians who aren’t afraid to challenge Biden on policy. But of Democratic congressional candidates’ criticism of Biden this cycle, Esrati’s fiery rebuke is unprecedented in its hostility.

Esrati, who made the comments during a livestream in which he responded to chat messages, suggested that Biden became wealthy through inside knowledge he used to be successful in stock trading.

“We need to fix this,” Esrati said, “and at least say, ‘No, you can’t trade. You can’t give advice to anybody on trades. And if you get caught, you’re going to prison.'” more here

11 Comments on Dem Candidate Says Biden Is Corrupt, Son Hunter a ‘Dope Fiend’

  1. “I know I’m a Democrat and everything”

    So is Biden, you voted for him, you vote the party line. Look at yourself in the mirror, you’re just a tentacle coming off of Joe. I voted for Trump, and you were right in there to imnpeach him. I have no use for DemocRATS. If you would have renounced your party and went Independent, then that’s saying something, but you didn’t, that says even more.

  2. “… serving your country and getting to be a multimillionaire.”

    The Pedophile Usurper Jotato never “served” his country. Like most politicians, he served himself – and continues to serve himself and Satan, his master.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Democrat taqiyya.

    Lying to advance your religion, and it means nothing once that end is achieved.

    And make no mistake that Democrat worship power and the State with the fevor of Muslims running around their pedophile rock.

    No wonder they get along well with Muslims. They both use the same tactics to gain and hold power and use in furtherance of their fraudulent, hate-filled religions.

    From Baca Bazi to beheadings, there’s little to choose between them. They hate the United States and Christianity with the same fevor, and for the same reasons. Both are even led by a pedophile who’s really into raping young girls. They are the Romulus and Remus of tyranny, but it remains to be seen which will kill the other in the end.

    Because they plan to use each other to kill us, then each thinks to eliminate the other once we’re gone. Such is the freindship of their kind.

  4. Joe Biden and his gross family have long-since aligned their vulgar ill-bred selves with organized crime. Biden will sell out anyone for a few bucks and several mansions, just as did by walking on the ded bodies of his first wife a infant child to further himself. Add the obvious fact that KKKJOe Biden regards the illegals he allowed into the nation as his “personal property”, as his chattel slaves. These illegals have no idea what he plans for them and they should be told, while the native American Indians on US federal land saw it right quick.

  5. Joe Biden and his gross family have long-since aligned their vulgar ill-bred selves with organized crime. Biden will sell out anyone for a few bucks and several mansions, just as he did by walking on the ded bodies of his first wife a infant child to further himself. Add the obvious fact that KKKJOe Biden regards the illegals he allowed into the nation as his “personal property”, as his chattel slaves. These illegals have no idea what he plans for them and they should be told, while the native American Indians on US federal land saw it right quick.

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