Gender-Affirming Care Behind a Wave of Personal Tragedies – IOTW Report

Gender-Affirming Care Behind a Wave of Personal Tragedies

Florida Standard:

“Now that I’ve recovered from all the surgeries, I regret having them. The bottom surgery made me look butchered, and I often think about killing myself. I turned myself into a bad copy of a woman. But even after surgery, I knew I still wasn’t one.” Brandon told The Florida Standard.

Less than two years after undergoing gender reassignment surgery, Brandon regrets his decision. “This was a terrible idea. I feel like my life is completely ruined, and I’m only 19 years old,” he told The Florida Standard.

Children and teens with long-standing gender dysphoria are often directed towards gender-affirming care and prescribed puberty blockers to delay the onset of puberty in a body where the child is uncomfortable. It also gives the child and their parents more time to decide what to do, sometimes leading to more drastic measures such as hormone therapy and surgery.

Pediatricians differ on the type of care considered appropriate for minor children. For instance, some physicians explain that because gender-assignment surgery is permanent and causes infertility, and children and teens may express regret as adults, the procedures are dangerous.

Brandon was bullied in elementary school. He was sensitive and wasn’t interested in sports like the other boys in his class. In middle school, he discovered pornography on the internet, then heard about transgenderism. “I convinced myself that I was a girl,” he said. more here

11 Comments on Gender-Affirming Care Behind a Wave of Personal Tragedies

  1. If you read the story, the gender affirming doctors are prescribing all kinds of drugs “ off label.” This is okay but when it comes to treating Covid with ivermectin or HCQ…No way no sir not gonna happen.

    Buncha crazy hypocrites.

  2. The only way to stop the madness is for more of these disasters to to be exposed.
    Especially the fact that they are left with non-functioning copies of the real thing, a life of pharma, & worse mental issues.

  3. “I convinced myself that I was a girl”
    And I’ll bet teachers and parents helped too.
    None of this is ever done in a vacuum.

  4. “I convinced myself that I was a girl,” he said.

    So, if you convinced yourself you were a dog, would you have changed yourself to look like one? You’re still a human, and you’re still a male. You’ll never be anything but what you’re born with. Doctors performing these surgeries should be in prison. The guy should be paraded around as a show of what not to become–a Circus of Oddities. I gave up caring.

  5. @Kcir
    Yes. The long-term effects of this need to discussed and displayed widely.
    These surgeries have cutesy, infantile names-top surgery, bottom surgery. Why not use the formal names? Or descriptive names?
    Any child slated for one of these surgeries should be made to view the real outcomes. I’m pretty sure the boy who thinks he’s a girl is expecting to wake up post-surgery to a well-formed, natural, female vagina, not a Frankenstein’s monster of repurposed parts that insist on doing their God-created functions.
    The parents and guardians should have to view the outcomes as well. Air-brushed pornography is a standard no human being can live up to!
    I truly pity the poor souls who took these steps in body mutilation in the hopes of fulfillment. May they find purpose in life by leading the fight against this travesty.

  6. Trying to fill the vacuum in your life with anything but God. This can be one of the results.
    Recognizing The gift of Life and the talents that you have. Don’t waste them, putting value on your life is mainly up to you.

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