First Lady Jill Biden’s Mastery of Bumper Stickers – IOTW Report

First Lady Jill Biden’s Mastery of Bumper Stickers

[T]he drunkest I’ve ever been is still smarter than you [Jill] could ever even comprehend and you’re a … grammar teacher that wouldn’t survive one class in an ivy graduate program. … So go f–k yourself Jill let’s all agree I don’t like you anymore than you like me.
-Hunter Biden on step-mother Jill. New York Post, July 2022

Blue State Conservative:
In a Sept. 13, 2022 interview with First Lady Jill Biden on NBC’s “Today Show”, Sheinelle Jones alluded to recent parental objections to the sort of books that are appropriate for schools and asked her: “Where’s the line, in your opinion, with how much of a say parents have when it comes to what their kids are learning in school? Is there a balance between, you know, ‘This book should be in the library, this book is under review …’”.  To be more precise, Jones began to ask Mrs. Biden a question but could not finish it because Jill Biden jumped in before Jones finished asking it and said, “All books should be in the library. All books.  This is America. We don’t ban books.”  

One may have noticed that it is one of the privileges of our all-knowing overlords that they don’t even need to let anyone finish the question because they do not even need to think about it and they do not need to think about it because they do not intend to answer it, the clingers to their guns and religion, the “basket of deplorables”, the semi-fascists and the American people generally not deserving a serious answer.  They do not need to think about the question because they already have the platitudes, the clueless remarks or the transparent nonsense that they want to use to promote themselves or their party on that given day already prepared.  For our overlords a journalist’s question is just the occasion for them to inform our “news” media and the peasants and deplorables of their own moral virtues and greatness.

In fact, however, it might have been useful for Jill to let Jones finish the question because her “answer,” that we don’t “ban books” in America, had nothing whatsoever to do with the question.  more

20 Comments on First Lady Jill Biden’s Mastery of Bumper Stickers

  1. If we ever took a space alien to see “our leader” I’m pretty sure we would learn an all new way to say: “you gotta be fukin shittin me!”

    The Bidens are history’s most dysfunctional family bar none!

  2. Anonymous September 19, 2022 at 8:14 am

    I wonder how many times Hunter has done her, I’ll bet he has pictures.

    Humper’s dick doesn’t care where it’s put. If there’s a hole anywhere, he’ll find something to put in it – nose and otherwise.

  3. She doesn’t know anything about being a parent so why would she care about what parents want for their own children?
    And she needs to stop trying to dress like Melania because she just ends up looking ridiculous.

  4. TRF,

    Re: “The Bidens are histories most dysfunctional family bar none!”

    I’m not sure, but England’s Queen is still dealing with Family Shit and she’s currently Flat on Back in a Coffin, mid-burial!

  5. Hunter doesn’t have enough class to make Dr Jill.

    She doesn’t do it for money anymore.

    I wish I was her secret service man.
    I love trashy women.
    They are easy.
    And experienced.

  6. Remember this…
    Ashley is dr jill and oedojoe’s daughter…..
    While 11 year old Ashley was…….
    taking “showers” with pedojoe…
    dr jill did nothing…..
    errrrrr…….maybe dr jill was doing hunter.

  7. Wyatt, Insensitive Progressive Jerk
    SEPTEMBER 19, 2022 AT 10:16 AM
    “Hey kids! Let’s head to the school library and check out a copy of Huckleberry Finn. Dr. Jill says we don’t ban books anymore.”

    …sooo, they’d be OK with a copy of The Turner Diaries, then?

    “All books should be in the library. All books. This is America. We don’t ban books.”
    -Some whore married to a pedophile.

    …somehow, I don’t think she MEANS that.

  8. Libraries have multi-media content. So how about providing a few copies of “2000 Mules” in every library there, Biden whore?

    …while we’re at it, put a couple of copies of “13 Hours” in there, too.

    Right next to the Hillary bios.

    …it IS part of HER story, after all…

  9. BAR
    SEPTEMBER 19, 2022 AT 10:35 AM
    “I wouldn’t be surprised if the library has a copy of the Quran.”

    …probably required reading.

    Along with “Dreams From My Father”

    …and “Das Kapital”


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