Russia’s Election Violations Seem Familiar – IOTW Report

Russia’s Election Violations Seem Familiar [Translation]

“Map of violations” -2022: results.

As noted in  a follow-up statement from the Golos movement, “UDG 2022 has come amid a massive crackdown on the remnants of freedom of speech and freedom of expression.” Nevertheless, observers, commission members, candidate headquarters and voters continued to record violations of the electoral law that they encountered at polling stations and during the election campaign.

A total of 1,824 messages have been published since the beginning of the Map of Violations on July 9. In 2017, when the previous cycle of elections of the same bodies and positions was held, Karta received 1,738 signals of violations. Five years later, observers and participants in the electoral process reported about the same number of violations of the electoral law.  

In 2022, 709 reports were received about violations during the election campaign, and 1,115 messages have been published since the start of multi-day voting on September 9.


(one and the same action may contain signs of several types of violations): 

Violations before Election Day

  • Violations of the rules of campaigning in the media – 288
  • Abuse of administrative resources — 171
  • Violations of the rules of printed and outdoor campaigning – 108
  • Unlawful denials of registration and violation of the rights of the candidate – 85
  • Law Enforcement Impact – 80
  • Pressure from superiors, coercion, bribery of voters – 68
  • Violation of the rights of commission members, observers, media — 42
  • Violations of the order of early voting – 28
  • Violations in the collection of signatures – 7
  • Other violations before voting day— 136

Voting Day Violations

  • Violations of the rights of observers, members of the commission, the media -321
  • Violations when voting “at home” – 160
  • Illegal campaigning, lotteries, bribery – 112
  • Violations in the site equipment – 111
  • Violation of maintaining the list of voters, refusal to vote – 97
  • Violations before the start of voting: problems with safe packages, non-compliance with procedures, etc. — 87
  • Coercion, transportation of voters, control of voting – 44
  • Throw-ins, “carousels”, etc. – 41
  • Other violations on voting day —251

Vote Counting Violations. READ MORE

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