FDA: Do not cook chicken in NyQuil – IOTW Report

FDA: Do not cook chicken in NyQuil


(CNN) – The Food and Drug Administration has a warning for people, one the agency probably did not expect to need to make: Do not cook chicken in NyQuil.

A new social media challenge is encouraging young people to cook poultry in the basic ingredients of NyQuil and other over-the-counter cough products.

The trend is dangerous even if you don’t eat the chicken.

The FDA says boiling medication can change its properties, making it more concentrated. Just breathing it in can damage your lungs.

This is not the only dangerous challenge involving OTC meds. The FDA says teens have died during the “Benadryl challenge,” which includes taking a lot of the meds to hallucinate.

h/t illustr8r, SNS

37 Comments on FDA: Do not cook chicken in NyQuil

  1. It’s called THINNING THE HERD! Doesn’t the left want to decrease he population anyway?

    But think about it, anybody stupid enough to try something like that would more than likely to end up voting democRAT!

  2. OK, so I come home from work when in my 20’s and was living with a girlfriend who was a rather sporty model, but dumber than a sack of hammers. I climb out of my car in the driveway and it smells like perhaps the road has been seal coated or perhaps a neighbor had got a new hot tar roof.

    I goes inside where the smell is quite a bit more intense and she and a couple friends are eating fried chicken and am offered some. It’s really good. I was out of peanut oil and figured that they had fried it in vegetable oil and perhaps that accounted for the smell. So out of curiosity I inquired about the oil she had fried the unlucky yard bird in.

    Hold onto your hats folks, it gets good from here on. I fried it in lemon oil. Since the likelihood of her having enough money to buy a gumball I figured it had to be something she found in my pantry. So, where did you get the lemon oil? It was in the cabinet over the laundry machines.


    The damnable fools had fried a chicken in Formby’s and eaten 80% of it.


  3. @JD, when you mentioned Formbys all kinds of great memories came back to me. My grandmother, whose house I now occupy, she liked to refinish furniture. I still have a bunch of his products in my garage. Thanks, put a smile on my face on a rainy day.

  4. …It worries me that FDA says this, because it actually seems like good advice and FDA usually tries to lure people to their deaths with “sAfE aNd EfFeCTiVe” lies these days.

    Must have been a trap to make one of the few remaining employees with a soul expose himself so they could get rid of him.

    …look for them to add NyQuilChix to the Rundeathisnear regimen for non-existent Coof in the near future…

  5. @ Different Tim SEPTEMBER 21, 2022 AT 12:18 PM

    It is a superior product. To the best of my knowledge it is no longer available. I have a gallon that is about 2/3 empty now that I refill my 4oz flip top bottle from.

  6. After a bit of research, and to let you know how proactive the FDA is in protecting you…
    Nyquil chicken (or sleepy chicken) went viral in April 2017.

    *checks date*

    Yea, that seems reasonable.

  7. ecp
    SEPTEMBER 21, 2022 AT 12:59 PM
    “At least now the FDA is no longer hectoring ether huffers and glue sniffers.”

    Ether is harder to get than more effective ways to send yourself to hell now, and hufferes aren’t noted for their diligence.

    Model Airplane glue had been mostly rendered “sniff-proof” years ago and, again, more effective highs are available closer to hand.

    Because what kid builds glue-together models these days. All I see now is pre-assembled and ready to go stuff, or at most, pre-painted Snap-Tite model kids that require little thought, little effort, and no glue; you might as well be building with Legos.

  8. SNS
    “more effective highs are available closer to hand.”

    A trip to the drug store for nyquil, a trip to the grocery store for chicken, time spent in mom’s kitchen cooking the concoction, and cleaning up before mom notices.. hmm

    Versus a trip to the automotive store for some Cosby sauce, rip off your underwear, spray and huff away. lol.

  9. @ BAR SEPTEMBER 21, 2022 AT 12:50 PM

    Yes sir. Furniture polish, but I have used it as the first step in a hand rubbed wood finish. It penetrates like crazy.

    I kept it in a cabinet over the automatic laundry along with other solvents and wood finishing products, not anywhere near the pantry. The damnable fool and her friends were nothing if not durable. She about shit herself inside out and couldn’t blame it on the bird being tainted. It had been running around the yard eating bugs earlier in the day.


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