Former congressman sent back to prison in ballot stuffing case – IOTW Report

Former congressman sent back to prison in ballot stuffing case

Former Democrat Rep. Michael J. “Ozzie” Myers, of Philadelphia, was sentenced to 2½ years after he admitted he worked with election officials to pad the vote tallies of his political consulting clients.


PHILADELPHIA — A former congressman from Philadelphia who went to prison over the 1970s-era Abscam scandal was sent back to prison Tuesday at age 79 in a ballot stuffing case.

Former Democratic U.S. Rep. Michael J. “Ozzie” Myers was sentenced to 2 1/2 years in prison by a judge who questioned whether he had learned any lessons over the years. Myers admitted he had worked with election officials to pad the vote tallies of his political consulting clients. Some were running for city judgeships.

“Myers would solicit payments from his clients in the form of cash or checks as ‘consulting fees,’ and then use portions of these funds to pay election officials to tamper with election results,” U.S. Attorney Jacqueline Romero said in a statement after the hearing.

“Voting is the cornerstone of our democracy. If even one vote has been illegally cast or if the integrity of just one election official is compromised, it diminishes faith in process,” she said.

Myers pleaded guilty in June to violations of election law, conspiracy, bribery and obstruction for his work on behalf of Democratic candidates from 2014 and 2018. There was no evidence the crimes changed the outcome of any election, his lawyer said. more

5 Comments on Former congressman sent back to prison in ballot stuffing case

  1. Some one didn’t get their envelope. There are so many people in both parties that participated in the 2020 election theft in PA that when I read the bullshit about even one vote being stolen, I have to laugh.

    DJT was up 700,000 votes with ~90% of the count done when it was stopped in Philadelphia County at 2am(along with 4 other counties is other swing states for THE FIRST TIME IN OUR HISTORY)

    With a total vote of a little over 7 million total votes cast in PA, that would have meant about 6.3 million had been counted and about 700,000 remained uncounted.

    So almost every fucking vote left to be counted tallied up for Biden?? Give me a fucking break. The counting was done in Philadelphia County in an old customs building way off the beaten track with many floors and no chain of custody ballots all over the place. Trucks were photographed coming and going dropping off racks of boxes all night while the counting was “stopped”. People were scurrying up and down elevators with racks and boxes of ballots. One guy was photographed with a plastic bag full of USB drives plugging them into voting machines.

    Leah Hoppes and Greg Stenstorm named names and presented proof so don’t give me the crap about even one vote. They were not just ignored, they were vilified.


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