Kamala Harris Blasted For Pushing ‘Racist’ Policy In Response To Hurricane Damage – IOTW Report

Kamala Harris Blasted For Pushing ‘Racist’ Policy In Response To Hurricane Damage

Vice President Kamala Harris (D) faced backlash online Friday afternoon after saying that the Biden administration was prioritizing giving disaster relief to minorities for the sake of “equity” because the administration wants everyone to end up “in an equal place.”

Harris made the remarks during a discussion with leftist Priyanka Chopra at the Democratic National Committee’s Women’s Leadership Forum in Washington, D.C.

“It is our lowest income communities and our communities of color that are most impacted by these extreme conditions and impacted by issues that are not of their own making,” Harris claimed. “And so we have to address this in a way that is about giving resources based on equity, understanding that we fight for equality, but we also need to fight for equity, understanding not everyone starts out at the same place.”

She added, “And if we want people to be in an equal place, sometimes we have to take into account those disparities and do that work.”

AEI fellow Sadanand Dhume responded, “Why do they make everything about race and gender?”

“If a hurricane hits a state, we should expect the government to help all those affected: black, brown white, purple, green,” he added. “And there’s no such thing as ‘communities of color.’ Real people don’t talk like this.”

Political commentator Ken Gardner tweeted: “This has to violate at least a dozen federal and state anti-discrimination laws. Not to mention the 14th Amendment.” more

16 Comments on Kamala Harris Blasted For Pushing ‘Racist’ Policy In Response To Hurricane Damage

  1. If Florida had a democrat governor, this is exactly the clusterfuck that would be happening right now. These democrats are evil, corrupt, incompetent cunts. And those are their better qualities.

  2. Kamala is a racist idiot BUT you can bet your bottom dollar that she was TOLD to say this! Another opportunity to fuel the FIRES of DIVISION and ANGER.
    Right from the OBIDEN playbook!

  3. Equity is not equality. Equity is socialism/communism slang for all are equal. Equality is a free market term for everyone to have a chance if they choose to take it. Those who risk more and work harder improve.

  4. Meanwhile hard-working, law-abiding White people continue to pay their taxes to pay the freight of this grossly incompetent administration that loots the treasury like it’s an inner-city CVS!

    …and we have put up with this shit during an EMERGENCY???

  5. Lowest-income areas are typically worst hit, because safer areas are more in demand. New Orleans an excellent example. So it is easy to see that more funds will in fact go to those areas, and no need to bring skin color or reparations into it.

  6. I attended a local high school football game last night here in deep Southeast Texas. I saw blacks and whites sitting together laughing and talking to one another all through the game. Everyone was having a great time and there were no shootings or fistfights or stabbings. It made me think that it’s the kind of community that everyone wishes for. It’s a place that liberals think would be a hotbed of racist rednecks abusing any black that dared to show his face. I left the game realizing that America is not a racist country in spite of the efforts of the left to paint it as such. The left sucks!

  7. democRATz threw away the soap box decades ago. Now they stand on dead bodies, children (many times the bodies of dead children) and emergencies to push their sacred agenda?
    …and they use stupid dupes like Kamala to do it!
    These people have no standards, morals or scruples!

  8. Obama’s third term is realizing “Equity” by creating scarcity, expropriating scarce resources and rationing those resources based on discriminatory quotas designed to further divide and erode our society and culture.

  9. ACParker
    OCTOBER 1, 2022 AT 12:57 PM

    “Obama’s third term is realizing “Equity” by creating scarcity”

    It’s easier to level by tearing down instead of building up.

    Its how we do…

  10. Apartheid is now alive, well and thriving in the USA! A 13% minority population is now setting the standards, policies, language, governance and direction of the country! This is blatantly against the worlds decision on South Africa, i.e., that the majority population in a country has the right to control and run the government!


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