Choose Your Fighter – IOTW Report

Choose Your Fighter

Trump vs Biden in a test of balance and well, you know, basic human activity. WATCH
h/t Brad.

9 Comments on Choose Your Fighter

  1. I’d pick Reagan.
    That man could ride a Horse & swing an Axe.

    But, remember Biden has RETARD STRENGTH and then falls asleep.
    Lord knows the P.O.S. never really had a real job in his life, so plenty of time to hang out at the country club, tennis, bike ride etc.

    Trump on the other hand, although mentally sharp & much more intelligent, looks like he does not really work out. Golf??? Fuck that!

    Sorry guys but that’s my visual interpretation.
    (I kind of watch people’s body language in case I have to deal with shit)

  2. DJT has always been a natural athlete. There’s tons of video of him when he was younger throwing footballs thru obstacles with pros when he was younger. There’s also footage of him receiving a NAACP award beside Mohammad Ali and Rosa Parks. Rarely played anymore. He breezed into Florida and purchased country clubs and immediately removed the “Whites Only Policies”. But NOW he’s a racist.

  3. I agree, Kcir. Our beloved POTUS needs to do some push-aways. He’s looking a little more prosperous than he should — around his middle. I’m a little surprised by his girth, since he’s a fairly proud man who has enormous self-discipline in most other aspects of his life. And you would think that a burgeoning tummy would interfere with his golf swing. The problem, I think, is that he (like many of us) have become too efficient. Efficiency results in less physical activity.

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