Kanye West Shreds The ‘Godless’ Media: ‘We Are In A Battle With The Media’ – IOTW Report

Kanye West Shreds The ‘Godless’ Media: ‘We Are In A Battle With The Media’

Station Gossip

Rapper Kanye West slammed the mainstream media during an interview this week where he said that God was preparing Christians for “real battles” against godless forces, which included the media.

West made the remarks during a wide ranging interview Thursday night with Fox News host Tucker Carlson after arriving back in the U.S. from France where he attended the Paris Fashion Week.

West made the remarks during a portion of the interview where he was asked about the “White Lives Matter” clothing that he wore this week which triggered the political Left.

When asked why he did it, West responded that it largely just felt “right.” more

12 Comments on Kanye West Shreds The ‘Godless’ Media: ‘We Are In A Battle With The Media’

  1. …not sure comparing himself to Tonya Harding isn’t inviting a roasting, but he does seem to have some divine inspiration otherwise, at least he’s SAYING it to cancel culture, like everyone should be…

  2. God uses people in mysterious ways. We listened to his interview, I think he shocked Tucker, his face turned red in a couple of spots. Kanye was a bit hard to follow at times, not understanding a couple of places he was going with his story. But I believe he’s on the right track. We all find our own way to God in different ways and under different circumstances. Only God knows Kanye’s heart.

  3. Goldenfoxx OCTOBER 8, 2022 AT 8:42 AM
    “God uses people in mysterious ways.”

    Throughout the Bible, most prophets appear as madmen to many. Think of how that Noah fellow looked being all dour as he built a boat in a field well away from the sea, the massive John The Baptist in his goat skins and with his message of a living Messiah must have appears to the Hebrews and the Romans, or those odd fellows that were singing to God in prison when an earthquake set them free. God even sent Moses to the desert to be driven to the edge of madness before using him.

    Perhaps the truth of God is too much for people who have been too full of Self, and God needs to get Self out of the way so His word is the one His vessel speaks. It can be so at times.

    It does not follow that every madman is a prophet. Lord knows I’ve met plenty who weren’t. But that’s where discernment comes in, as the message of a true madman like a Charles Manson or Joe Biden will speak of only evil and bitterness, while a man with the Power of God speaking through him will speak a palpable truth that transcends the person and serves the purposes of the Lord.

    It is not wise to discount people who speak of miracles that are so unfathomable to us that they seem crazy given what we think we know. Consider that there was a group of guys that repeated the insane story that their Leader rose from the dead and ascended into Heaven and would return one day to set the world to righeousness.

    Many would say that’s off-the-charts crazy, nicht wahr?

    …but we may well see the Godly truth in that “crazy” come out in our time yet…

    …pray and have faith. God can use any vessel He likes.

    Even a rapper married to a Kardashian.

  4. If you remember back I posted that my niece who works in the fashion industry has friends who are close to Kanye West and in fact she was recruited to work for him. She told me: You would get along with Kanye Uncle Dan, he says what is on his mind. He’s like you, it’s not that he doesn’t care what others think about him, he doesn’t give it much thought. He cares what he thinks about himself.

  5. Actually, that was one of the most coherent interview Kanye has given. Yes, he may be a madman, but as SNS and Goldenfoxx said, God can use anyone, His ways are not our ways.

    If you watch Kanye’s demeanor, he seems to be somewhat calm and gracious, yet very direct and to the point.

    Also, should we really be surprised God would use a man who reflexs the weird, rebelious nihilistic culture that plagues Gen X, Millennial and Gen Z generations. How else can God reach them except to use one of their own.

    Kanye also appears to present his viewpoint as an intercessor. “Intercession – 1. the act of interceding. 2. prayer, petition, or entreaty in favor of another”.

    Kanye is very much like Abraham who intercedes on behalf of Sodom and Gomorrah. Abraham, like Kanye was very much connected culturally, yet set apart by his commitment to God.

    Also, SNS made an excellent point. Demoniacs, Biden and the like would not speak about the benefits or ways of God in order to draw people to God. Kanye is definitely calling those who will listen to consider that God cares about the thier welfare.

    I believe God’s not done with Kanye. He will most likely play more of a role, (prophetically) getting people to realize God’s Love and merciful grace is the only hope for the world.

  6. @99th Squad Leader: “If you watch Kanye’s demeanor, he seems to be somewhat calm and gracious, yet very direct and to the point.”


    I believe that’s why we listened to him…to see how much sense he made. We’re all a work in progress. I like directness and to the point. I can’t stand BS’ers, and I know when they’re doing it.

  7. Remember the Taylor Swift incident? I’ve come full circle from disliking him intensely, to liking him and disliking Taylor Swift intensely. You can’t say Ye doesn’t think. Rare these days.

  8. Goldenfoxx, that’s what caught my attention, too – the directness and calm presentation – Godly attributes. Definitely, no BS.

    In fact, in another video of the Tucker Carlson 40+ minute interview, (chopped up on YouTube) Kanye mentions how quiet and orderly the atmosphere was during the interview. He credited God.
    This Kanye interview is very significant.


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