New York State Sheriffs Refuse To Enforce Highly Restrictive NY Gun Law – IOTW Report

New York State Sheriffs Refuse To Enforce Highly Restrictive NY Gun Law

Pirate’s Cove:

Robert Milby, Wayne County’s new sheriff, has been in law enforcement most of his adult life, earning praise and promotions for conscientious service. But recently, Milby has attracted attention for a different approach to the law: ignoring it.

Milby is among at least a half-dozen sheriffs in upstate New York who have said they have no intention of aggressively enforcing gun regulations that state lawmakers passed last summer, forbidding concealed weapons in so-called sensitive areas — a long list of public spaces including, but not limited to, government buildings and religious centers, health facilities and homeless shelters, schools and subways, stadiums and state parks, and, of course, Times Square.

“It’s basically everywhere,” said Milby, in a recent interview in his office in Wayne County, east of Rochester. “If anyone thinks we’re going to go out and take a proactive stance against this, that’s not going to happen.”


9 Comments on New York State Sheriffs Refuse To Enforce Highly Restrictive NY Gun Law

  1. “…Milby has attracted attention for a different approach to the law: ignoring it.”

    …Why not? That’s what Democrats do every day, up to and including the Constitution.

    …Sauce for the goose…

  2. Oh, the sheriff is being proactive alright. By ignoring an unConstitutional law.

  3. Standard protocol for NorCal Sheriffs. El Dorado, Placer, Butte, Redding, Humbolt, all NorCal Counties. Also inland California Counties. Mr. Newsom, when is a law not a law? When no one pays attention to your bull shit.

  4. I visited friends in Dallas years ago. They took me to the Texas Schoolbook Depository where Oswald shot JFK. Once inside, there were signs forbidding weapons and metal detectors like airports have. I had to go back to the vehicle to lock my weapon up before the tour. What did they think I was going to do, pop off a few rounds from the window Oswald used? Come to think of it, that would have been awesome. They could charge for that experience.

  5. The county I moved away from but still have to work in and have family in has a Sheriff that was elected because she was a lesbian and for no other reason.

    No help there.

  6. Texas has constitutional carry. I have a LTC. However, private property owners do have the right to prohibit guns on their property although it would only be a charge of misdemeanor trespass.

    Yesterday Mrs. RMM and I went into a department store in a mall. As we entered the store I looked for the signs saying that guns were not allowed. While in the store we went by an exit out into the mall. There was a sign saying that guns were not allowed. It even said that they had gun-sniffing dogs. Here I was already in the store. Like I was going to turn around and go out to my car and lock up my gun.after I had already been all over this one store.

    I would almost be tempted to go out to the range, drop my gun off at home, then go to the mall. If they brought that damned dog up to me and found that I was not armed, I would sue the crap out of them. I do not see how a private property owned should have the right to have a dog get up close and personal with me.

    I understand that there is a problem with gangbangers having shoot-outs in malls. But they aren’t going to pay attention to those damned signs anyway, so what good does it do to disarm honest citizens?

    My guess is that the mall is owned by some out of state company. I have noticed that big chain stores around here have signs requiring people to wear masks — but nobody does. They probably put the signs up to make the corporate big-wigs happy.


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