The Price of Biden’s Winter – IOTW Report

The Price of Biden’s Winter

American Thinker: The summer is behind us and as we proceed through this particular fall and winter, and temperatures drop in the northern hemisphere, it will cause many poor and even middle class families to face the fact that their relatively languorous efforts to dodge the summer heat will turn into a far more daunting and draining struggle to ward off the biting cold.

And we’ll have Joe Biden and the Democrat party to thank for making that unpleasant task considerably more difficult.

The costs of electricity and home heating oil are climbing alarmingly. Food, gasoline, and all sorts of parts and equipment, indeed practically everything requiring transportation across a continental nation are becoming prohibitively expensive, if not altogether scarce.

We now see that the most costly purchase of all was what retailers might term an “impulse buy”: an extravagant selection carrying an exorbitant price but precious little utility. It was the ill-advised buy-in to Joe Biden’s claims to presidential fitness. Like an unfair tax, the burden of that mistake falls upon even those wiser voters unmoved by his bait and switch sales pitch.

However much deceit and indeed fraud was involved in that unfortunate piece of election marketing, it’s now indisputable that his “victory” and opening executive order sallies into reversing any and all Trump policies — acts of personal spite every bit as much as political disagreement — served as the trigger for this un-transitory bout of inflation we’re experiencing, and all of the other economic woes clearly coming down the pike. more

9 Comments on The Price of Biden’s Winter

  1. Mark
    OCTOBER 11, 2022 AT 10:01 AM
    “elections have consequences.”

    …letting Communists openly steal them and not doing our Constitutional duty to remove a fraudulent “president”, even more so.

  2. When Pres Trump was running things and getting us energy independent it cost us $350 to fill our oil tank from almost empty.
    Last month we got a half tank and it cost $650!!
    Experts are saying the cost of oil will skyrocket after the midterms and then again after the first of the year.
    It’s going to cost us between $1500 and $2000 to fill our tank!!

    It’s part of the plan to crush the middle class.
    They need to get us in line and in need so they can seize more power.

  3. Don’t forget that without the Republican establishment being complicit none of this would be being discussed at this point. Beware of wolves in sheep’s clothing. Each and every Republican who didn’t vigorously oppose all of this and went along to get a long is complicit, they own an equal share of the blame, individually and collectively.

  4. The only reason they’re trying (and failing) to keep prices down now is because of the mid-terms. After that they won’t even pretend to care. It’s gonna be a bumpy ride.

  5. Another thing, when the neighbors complain point out to them that while grumping about Biden/Inslee et all may make you feel better, you would be just as well off to tilt at windmills as to be pissed at them. Ultimately the people you should really be pissed at are the ones with the BLM/Antifa/Biden/Inslee signs in their front yard who live right next door to you. You know for a stone cold natural fact that they cast at least one legitimate ballot to do exactly this to you and God only knows how many extralegal ballots they were submitting.

    I did that and the jerks then had the audacity to accuse me of setting neighbor on neighbor, when I did was to point that out that they were already at war with the decent people who live on our block.

    Make the real assholes right next door own it.

    The politicians aren’t the problem, the problem is people who supported them.

  6. If you signed up with your utility provider to save a few bucks every month by having a smart thermostat installs don’t spend those dollars as you will probably need them to stuff in your sweater for additional insulation.


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