Is the Climate Being Engineered? – IOTW Report

Is the Climate Being Engineered?

American Thinker:
By Janet Levy

He who controls the weather controls the world.” These ominous words were spoken in 1962, at Southwest Texas State University, by then Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson. In that Cold War era speech, he was alluding to what could happen after the “development of a weather satellite that will permit man to determine the world cloud layer and ultimately control the weather.”

Later, as president, LBJ would authorize Operation Popeye, the spraying of silver and lead iodide into monsoon storm clouds over Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam to facilitate U.S. military operations by causing landslides and washing out river crossings. This was exposed by reporter Jack Anderson (in an 18 March 1971 column in Washington Post), Seymour Hersh, and the Pentagon Papers in the New York Times. America and the world woke up to the possibility that weather engineering could be part of invisible warfare, producing cloud cover, droughts, storms, or floods.

Large-scale weather manipulation may be a reality today. And, while the world stands deeply divided on climate change, Dane Wigington, the founder and lead researcher of GeoEngineering Watch (GEW), is determined to expose the immense danger to the future of our planet that he alleges.

He has been studying covert climate ops for over 20 years, scouring government and military documents, reviewing film footage, and performing atmospheric data testing. Most concerning, he says, is the fact that scientific inquiry on the subject is being censored and critical data suppressed. MORE

29 Comments on Is the Climate Being Engineered?

  1. At first glance, this seems pretty far out there in the fringe.

    But it doesn’t take much in the way of calmer thinking to recognized that over the past few decades, a LOT of things that seemed out there in the fringe turned out to be real events and processes.

    I hope this isn’t true, but I fear it may very well be.

  2. Loco: You do realize that in the rest of the universe, 90 degrees isn’t “mild”. Although this afternoon in LV, when the clouds rolled in, and the wind picked up, it was kind of nice…for Las Vegas.

  3. They said that the 2 days after 9-11, when all the aircraft were grounded, that the temperature was warmer due to the reduced shading effect of the vapour trails.

    Some scientists also believe that burning of fossil fuels actually SHADES the Earth a bit from the full effects of the sun.

    I know, I know, Vapour trails have a lot of conspiracy theories etc.

    If that is true, what is the effect of MASSIVE REDUCTION of Air Travel & freight. Combine that with reduced shipping (diesel) & any months of lock downs & transportation restrictions keeping cars off the roads.

    OBVIOUSLY, this will effect the climate in exactly the opposite way we are told and re-enforce the “CLIMATE EMERGENCY” warming bullshit.

    one scientist I watched claims that we WILL make it worse by doing exactly what the GReenies & Globalists are saying.

    So Go lite some Charcoal, Grill a Steak, & save the planet on Sunday afternoon.


  4. Tony, I went running around that time.
    Did a 5K at 2PM when that weather blew through.
    It was awesome.

    Thing is, I LOVE the heat.
    I would be fine with 115 degrees every day 365.
    I run when it’s 115 and love it.

    Humidity is everything.
    90 in Florida is not that pleasant but perfect here in the desert.
    When it is 45 degrees here it feels horrible.

    Leave the cold for Canada, we’ll be fine without it.

  5. I think this has been the worst summer I’ve ever spent in the Seattle area. Wildfires on this side of the Cascades instead of blowing smoke in from EWa, Montana or BC. Blue hazy smoke for weeks and daily air quality alerts. No rain since June 28. Lotsa days in the 80’s and many more than usual in the 90’s.

    Not typical at all. And infestations of stink bugs and pine seed bugs. Ugh. Forecasts say the starts next Friday. I cannot wait.

  6. Yeah, the huge Tonga volcanic eruption this past January probably won’t affect the climate at all, but jets spewing out aluminum and other crap is going to fuck things up.

  7. How much air is there?
    What would it take to “engineer” it?
    How much energy would be required to affect weather?
    How many square miles of biosphere would have to be “engineered” to affect weather?

    And this by people who don’t even know what air is?
    Let’s say I’m skeptical.

    Not skeptical that the megalomaniacal nihilistic totalitarians (Gates, Soros, Buffett, CIA, CCP, &c) aren’t TRYING – but skeptical of any positive results.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  8. I don’t think humans have much effect on temperature, compared to volcanoes etc. and natural change. I do think we have a massive effect on the environment – particularly 3rd-world countries and especially China & India. And most of that ‘cutting down the rain forest’ is nowadays for… mining minerals for batteries etc. Caused by a lot of ‘green’ causes.
    The Globull Warmists’ main arguments seem to be warming of the planet and rise of the sea level. Well, warming the planet leads to FEWER human deaths, as more die from freezing than from heat, and more food can be produced in a warmer environment. And the sea level has been HIGHER historically than now, although it is relatively close to the maximum (about 8 meters higher). Here’s an interesting picture:

  9. What is being engineered is the media reporting on the climate.

    Exactly. Are there people trying to engineer the climate?
    Are people successfully engineering the climate?
    I doubt it. If there are then Man Made Climate Change theory holds up!

  10. Think about how few things the government has ever done right. Then think about how few of those things they got right on the first attempt. Then think about how disastrous a botched attempt at climate modification could be.

  11. It wouldn’t surprise me….
    Didn’t they just use a satellite on an asteroid….
    to see if they could change its trajectory….????

    If the trajectory was non-threatening….
    why mess with it….????

  12. Ed357 – I wondered about the same thing a few weeks ago. They knocked it a few degrees off trajectory. Great. Now when the little fker comes back again watch it be right on target!!

  13. They have been seeding clouds for rain for decades. In Europe there are pictures of “chemtrails” that look like a tic-tac-toe sketch. That’s not normal. You think China hasn’t been trying to control the weather? Just another weapon in their arsenal. How many “conspiracy theories” come true do you need to be convinced?

  14. Were the “chemtrails” people right all along, or were “chemtrails” just a psyop intentionally propagated by the IC as a ridiculous conspiracy to discredit actual weather and climate control experimentation, such as HAARP?

  15. And what about the HAARP project in SE. Alaska?

    The HAARP is powered by crude oil from Northern Alaska.

    The power comes from a gigantic diesel array
    generating terawatts of current for a more than
    mile square antenna array pumping that energy
    into the ionosphere for ” atmospheric research.”

    The research is obviously experimental weather
    manipulation to develop using weather as a

    Your government and your media are not telling you
    anything about and it’s been going on for 40 years.

    You are being affected by this and you are paying
    for this but don’t ask any questions unless you
    want corrupt investigators knocking on your door.

  16. More psyops.
    The sun, oceans, orbital cycles etc, etc, etc
    control global climate. A little tiny squirt here and a little tiny squirt there of silver iodide means nothing globally or long term.


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