Musk’s SpaceX Will No Longer Pay for Critical Satellite Services in Ukraine – IOTW Report

Musk’s SpaceX Will No Longer Pay for Critical Satellite Services in Ukraine


15 Comments on Musk’s SpaceX Will No Longer Pay for Critical Satellite Services in Ukraine

  1. How much is Raytheon, boeing, & Lockheed Martin giving to Ukraine for Free?

    Hell, If The Ukrainian told me to “Fuck Off” i would not give him free shit either.

    Basically Uncle Fucker Joe is taking US taxpayer money & giving it to some of Musk’s competition for their services so… Pay to Play.

    Mush is fast becoming a real life Hank Reardon from Atlas Shrugged in many cases.

  2. ^^^ sorry, but rumble does not always load on my laptop ^^^^

    the content didn’t play the first few times but finally loaded.
    I previously watched it on Y-tube last eve.

  3. Just goes to show what happens when you give someone something for free.
    They demand more, and when you resist they paint you as the bad guy. And now that our dictatorial government hates Elon because Twitter, they will refuse to pay for it.

  4. “Does AOL still have dial-up?”

    In an odd way, I kinda miss that…the weird signing on/connection noise. Why? Simpler times when we weren’t so divided, we were far less politically correct and green-haired freaks weren’t grooming kids in the classroom.

  5. I’ma warmin up the old US Robotics as we speak!

    LCD – Good point! All Elon would have had to do is look at how demanding our LoFos are as the result of Free Shit, shake his head and go NFW!

  6. Tony R,

    Ratheon/Lockheed/Boeing etc. aren’t billing direct.
    Besides, How do the US politicians get “The Skim” & Percentages & if the manufacturer eliminated the Middle Men & “The Big Guy”.
    (maybe that’s why they hate My Pillow?)

    Have a good Sunday…


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