Biden to Make Taxpayers Pick Up Tab For Federal Employees’ Sex Change Surgeries – IOTW Report

Biden to Make Taxpayers Pick Up Tab For Federal Employees’ Sex Change Surgeries

The Biden administration has announced the expansion of taxpayer-funded “gender-affirming” healthcare for transgender and “gender diverse” federal employees.

The updated healthcare package was rolled out in early October by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), an independent government agency that acts as the chief of human resources and personnel policy manager for the federal government. The OPM’s “Federal Benefits Open Season” fact sheet for people covered under the Federal Employee Health Benefits (FEHB) program states that the agency is “pleased to deliver enhanced health benefit offerings” in the form of “gender affirming care and services.”

Beginning in 2023, all FEHB providers will be required to have “adopted one or more recognized entities” in order to guide benefits coverage and medical policies pertaining to “gender affirming care and services,” according to the fact sheet. Among the approved entities are the World Professional Association of Transgender Health (WPATH) Standards of Care.

Just in recent months, WPATH has come under fire for removing minimum age recommendations for gender transitions to avoid legal ramifications for medical practitioners involved in the process of providing sex-change therapies and surgeries to minors. more

11 Comments on Biden to Make Taxpayers Pick Up Tab For Federal Employees’ Sex Change Surgeries

  1. Sex change??

    That’s one of the most absurd liberal ideas yet….But, I’m sure it will be approved.

    How about the taxpayer pick-up the bill for making a positive financial change for me????

    Don’t ever ask why I drink nor why I DESPISE ignorant, stupid, dumb-fucked liberals.

  2. Oh, goody. Now we can all contribute to government funded surgical alternatives to addressing mental illness. Some of these pathetic, unfortunate wretches will need medical attention for the rest of their lives. Want to guess who’s going to be paying for that?

  3. Can’t wait for the next (2024) republican president to reverse every unconstitutional, unAmerican, unpopular and unproductive executive order this unelected pResident has ever signed. I’m going to start calling him 7Up – the UN-POTUS

  4. I have mixed emotions. It seems to me, the more of these quota-hired, democrat-voting, bureaucratic slugs we render sterile and impotent, the better off as a nation we will be. Let the cutting begin!

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