From Durham to CIA, evidence mounts FBI was warned Russia collusion story might be disinformation – IOTW Report

From Durham to CIA, evidence mounts FBI was warned Russia collusion story might be disinformation

“This has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation run through the Hillary Clinton campaign,” retired FBI intel boss says.

Just The News:
In one of the more dramatic exchanges during Igor Danchenko’s trial on charges he lied to the FBI during the Russia collusion probe, Special Counsel John Durham confronted a lead agent with evidence he had been warned that the Russian businessman he was using as an informant might be an intelligence asset for Moscow.

Agent Kevin Helson acknowledged that a female member of the FBI’s Human Intelligence Validation Unit, with two decades of intelligence experience, had raised concerns that Danchenko may be a member of the Russian military intelligence service known as the GRU, but Helson dismissed the concern.

“This is a real problem,” Durham declared, as he and Helson tangled over whether the FBI should have relied on Danchenko as a confidential human source. more here

19 Comments on From Durham to CIA, evidence mounts FBI was warned Russia collusion story might be disinformation

  1. I was holding out hope for Durham. Was hoping he had a spine. Now I’m convinced he’s just another suicidal deep state piece of shit. So why continue the charade? I don’t get it. Tap out bitch. Go vacation in the Uke.

  2. ……evidence mounts……

    The more proof that is exposed, the less likely anyone goes to prison.

    Phuck the elites, the fbi, the doj the biden admistration and the entire political cabal.

  3. The only thing useful about what he’s doing is providing info for lawsuits others can use against the feds, state governments, and big tech.

    That includes reasons for certain agencies to be shuttered/defunded.

  4. Key words “might be” but of course it was not! Donny idolizes Putin for numerous reasons. Had secret undocumented/unrecorded White House meetings for numerous reasons. The only misinformation are stories like this. Donny Deep deep state in bed with Vlad.

  5. Nobody had to “warn” the FBI about anything – they ENGINEERED the coup.
    The FBI are a cabal of traitors – from Wray down to the guy who picks up the jizz-and-shit soaked bedsheets off the 7th floor.
    The FBI KNOWINGLY lied to the FISA Court.
    Why isn’t that perjury?
    Why haven’t they been censured?
    Why isn’t the perjurer in prison?
    Why is there STILL a FISA Court?
    The FISA “judge” knew of the perjury and of the coup – and acquiesced – so why is it still a sitting “judge?” How can it “judge” others when it is a known criminal – a Treasonous piece of Filth?
    Durham was (and is) obstructing. He is a Traitor running interference for the other Traitors. If it drags out long enough, the American people will simply forget – like we’ve forgotten the murders of 14 year old Sammy Weaver, Vicki Weaver, and LaVoy Finicum.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Well, if yer gonna fabricate some so-called Russian disinformation and you have been dealing with classic Russian disinformation for decades, wouldn’t you put in some “classic earmarks of a Russian disinformation” to make it seem authentic? I understand they have a whole bunch of it in a mayonnaise jar on Funken Wagnall’s back porch…

  7. “We’re also trying to save on court costs so you get the picture.”

    No. They (you) keep it out of court because it’s all illegal and their shit can’t stand up under the scrutiny of discovery – even with crooked judges.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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