After Supreme Court ruling, GOP sues Pennsylvania over counting of undated mail-in ballots – IOTW Report

After Supreme Court ruling, GOP sues Pennsylvania over counting of undated mail-in ballots


Acoalition of Republicans this week has brought a lawsuit against the state of Pennsylvania seeking to force the government there to follow state law and toss out mail-in ballots that lack a required date. 

Last week the U.S. Supreme Court sided with another Republican politician in the state and invalidated hundreds of mail-in ballots that the state had previously counted even though they lacked a date along with the voter signature.  more

11 Comments on After Supreme Court ruling, GOP sues Pennsylvania over counting of undated mail-in ballots

  1. How dare SCOTUS declare that States have to follow State law. Next thing you know they are going to rule that the Constitution says what it says and doesn’t says what it doesn’t say.

    Terrible state of affairs.

  2. Reading shit like this, “The Pennsylvania Supreme Court concluded the dating requirement was mandatory in 2020” and having the safest election in history claimers say that every suit filed by DJT was thrown out fucking pisses me off that “journalists” never make connections like this. I would fall over dead if I saw a legacy media talking head say that.

    The fact is the PA legislature passed a half dozen laws before Nov/2020 which totally violated their Constitution and enabled massive voter fraud. Their SC at the time refused to act. In PA, EVERYONE that wants any kind of political career, is on the payback hook.

    Drop boxes, ballot harvesting and indiscriminate distribution of mail in ballots cut an insurmountable DJT election night lead of almost 700,000 votes with ~90% counted to a Biden victory a couple days later.

  3. Voter rolls need to be purged of relocated, deceased, and mentally incompetent jurors. No more retirement home mules, please! Consider the timing so that they expire about 6 months before a presidential election, if not 6 months before the biannual elections.

    As a “better idea” how about voter registration that expires, like a drivers’ license does, and that you have to apply IN PERSON at the COUNTY SEAT to renew?

  4. Sippin’ Coffee, I like that idea, having to re-register every few years, in person. I want a fingerprint box on ballots. Amazing that no one gets more than a lite slap on the hand if that for breaking voting laws. That’s why it keeps going on.


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