Biden’s family got ‘interest-free,’ ‘forgivable’ loan from China, new evidence reveals – IOTW Report

Biden’s family got ‘interest-free,’ ‘forgivable’ loan from China, new evidence reveals


President Joe Biden has made waves this fall with his plan to forgive hundreds of billions of dollars of student loans, shifting the burden to taxpayers. Five years earlier, his family cashed in on a zero-interest, forgivable loan of its own from an energy company in communist China, according to evidence in the possession of the FBI.

The loan arrangement, confirmed in documents obtained by Just the News and also new information released by Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa), shows the Chinese energy firm CEFC Beijing International Energy Company Limited understood the transaction would benefit Joe Biden’s family (referred to as “BD family” in the emails), but it also was creating heartburn with its own compliance/risk management officers.

The Chinese company’s leaders “fully support the framework of establishing the JV (joint venture), based on their trust on BD family,” stated a July 26, 2017 email from a CEFC official to Tony Bobulinski, a Hunter Biden business partner at the time. The email was written in part to explain why there had been a delay in getting the money to a firm called SinoHawk associated with the future president’s son and brother, Hunter Biden and James Biden, respectively. MORE

10 Comments on Biden’s family got ‘interest-free,’ ‘forgivable’ loan from China, new evidence reveals

  1. When a tree falls in the forest and the MSM reports that both trees and forests don’t exist and the FBI declares anything related to trees or forests as dis-information, subversive to our democracy and will be hounded and prosecuted to the full extent of the law, said law AG Garland just made up, does the fallen tree make a sound?

    Of course they could just turn everything over to Durham, that crackerjack dispenser of justice that will not leave any stone unturned to get his man.

    The system is corrupt, nothing will happen, and ruminating about it will only give you an ulcer.

  2. An interest-free “forgivable” loan isn’t a loan.

    The corruption stinks from Peking to DC to every State Capital and to every Major City Mayor’s Office.

    The corruption doesn’t just pollute Demonrats – McConnell, McCarthy, Mittens, Cheney, Murkowski, Crenshaw, and a host of others are covered in it.

    Shame that we no longer have a Dept. of Justice and a free Media to expose the filth before a cataclysmic eruption occurs.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Deflect & genuflect to the turd. An absolute nuthin burder. Meanwhile the special master is finding no such executive privilege aka another nuthin burder while claiming “Where’s the beef” to support his privilege claim.

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