China Cuts Off Natural Gas Supplies to Europe, Just in Time for Winter – IOTW Report

China Cuts Off Natural Gas Supplies to Europe, Just in Time for Winter

Communist China has told state-owned energy-importing companies to cease sending natural gas supplies to European nations already facing a catastrophic winter.

According to Bloomberg, the Chinese Communist Party’s National Development and Reform Commission also told the state-owned energy giants CNOOC, PetroChina, and Sinopec to halt shipments of liquified natural gas to foreign buyers in Europe and Asia.

China scooped up excess Russian gas since the war in Ukraine, as Europe faces an unprecedented energy crisis.

The communist nation has managed to build up an excess of liquified natural gas amid lockdowns to comply with Beijing’s zero-Covid agenda.

As Russia reduced shipments to the European Union in response to the bloc’s support of Ukraine and sanctions on Moscow, China began reselling its surplus LNG cargo to the EU at inflated prices. more

14 Comments on China Cuts Off Natural Gas Supplies to Europe, Just in Time for Winter

  1. So much for that whole “communist solidarity” malarkey.
    European politics is as coercive as China’s, and, keeping in mind that socialism, like izlam, is not a philosophy, but a hypocritical means of control and oppression, it kinda makes you wonder, don’t it?

    China and Russia had some common interests before “The Fall” but why now?

    I realize that they’re both more feudal than hypothetically “communist” but why are they conspiring to embarrass Europe? They BOTH need Europe!
    Or is it just another “Heel, doggy!” moment?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. But democrats learn NOTHING. Germany and Europe are suffering for relying on those who hate them to provide them with energy. And what do we do here while watching this debacle in Europe unfold? We reduce domestic production and go hat in hand to the Saudis and Venezuela for oil.

  3. There are many forms of war, freezing people and starving them is a time tested tactic, and we can add bio with deadly fake vax to that list. Stolen elections and propaganda with the complicit media go along with it as well.

  4. Communist China has told state-owned energy-importing companies to cease sending natural gas supplies to European nations. Twenty two months ago Communist China told Jackass Joe to shut down our energy supplies which was the first big step to destroying the West! Traitor Joe sold himself and his whole family to the Chinese for untold millions…which amounts to peanuts to the vast wealth that the United States represents!

  5. I saw this story yesterday. It appears that Joe Brandon has been selling EU “our LNG” (liquified natural gas) to Europe for several months, causing our prices to increase 40-50% bc of supply issues here at home. He’s been selling them 11.8 billion cuft per DAY now. So by design and default, we are having to suffer the consequences of the EU and their green technology and eat the increases here at home.


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