The CDC will vote Thursday to permanently shield Pfizer and Moderna from COVID vaccine injury liability – IOTW Report

The CDC will vote Thursday to permanently shield Pfizer and Moderna from COVID vaccine injury liability

The Dossier:
A CDC committee will convene this week and likely vote Thursday to deliver permanent legal indemnity to Pfizer and Moderna, through the process of adding the drug companies’ mRNA injections to the child and adolescent immunization schedules.

By adding the shots to the childhood schedule, the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) will transfer liability for vaccine injuries to the federal government’s National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP), allowing for Pfizer and Moderna to finally bring an FDA approved shot to the market without opening itself up to lawsuits. Moreover, it will act as another windfall for companies that have already brought in hundreds of billions of dollars in revenues, by requiring these vaccinations for children who attend public schools. more here

Let the CDC know what you think-

  • Comment Due Date Oct 20, 2022
  • Federal Register Number 2022-20045
  • Received Date Sep 19, 2022
  • Comment Start Date Sep 19, 2022

^^^ Click on the COMMENT box.

25 Comments on The CDC will vote Thursday to permanently shield Pfizer and Moderna from COVID vaccine injury liability

  1. Setting aside the fact that they WANT you and your children dead, they’ve simply killed too many to turn back now. Since they are all complicit and all profited handsomely from it, they all know they will all be hung if they don’t have at least a scum of legal immunity to the righteous anger of the parents of the slaughtered.

    The best they can hope for is that most of their victims die before the government falls.

    They have no choice, now. To admit it is unsafe is to admit it was ALWAYS unsafe. That alone makes the Thursday vote a fait accompli.

    The most you’ll get out of them is they might agree to pay for your child’s cremation.

  2. “Click on the COMMENT box.”
    Like any input from the public will matter.
    Maybe it’s a Microsoft thing, to get your annual updates, we know how will that works. When Windows XP was released it had 60,000 known bugs. They launched it anyway to let the public troubleshoot it. That’s what they’re doing with the vaccine, so what if a few hundred thousand people die. They will get right eventually.

  3. What if? The plan is waaay more nefarious. That they are actually researching gain of function over the aging genes. To turn it off or slow it down. The release of a deadly virus was the side effect. Fauci, Pelosi, Schummer, Clintons, McConnell, are all running out of time. How much would a wealthy narcissist pay for another year or decade of cheating life? How many many other would they let die for their cause? Answer, all of them.

  4. They still haven’t posted any comments submitted later than Monday, so the one I did last night isn’t there yet.

    Just skimming them Im not seeing any positive ones.

    I particularly like the guy who’s first name is YOURE and last name is CRIMINALS, tho…

  5. there should be a required full financial disclosure of the cdc members that vote on this, and specifically as that pertains to the pharmaceutical industry.
    that should extend to congressional members as well

  6. voted 15-0 to kill children for no health gain whatsoever.

    The Grim Reaper is going to get a break, seeing as how he’s going to be swinging the child sized scythe a lot more.

    Perhaps we should supply him with a few adults as well.

    15 or so.

    To start.

  7. Not that it matters, but here is a comment from their Web site, complete with peer-reviewed study documentation, all of which proves that approving the kill shot is criminally negligent at best, baseless infanticide at worst.

    That comment in full here, in case they delete it.

    “Thank you for your consideration of the following comment specific to the covid-19 mRNA vaccinations in children.

    The critical question at-hand is one of risk/benefit. For children, the c19 infection risk may be categorized in terms of fatality rate, transmission potential, and symptomatic magnitude of infection.

    Fatality Risk:
    The epidemiological mortality rate specific to covid-19 variant infections in children is extremely low. A recent study conducted by Ioannidis et al looking at seroprevalence studies in the pre-vaccination timeframe found that the infection fatality rate (IFR) associated with covid-19 in patients 85 y/o @17.2 incidence/100k). That later data point relative to escalating hospitalization rates in older age segments could enable the argument that children should get vaccinated to prevent spread to the elderly, more at-risk, population. However, as stated previously, there is NO clinical trial data/end points that validate this notion and the CDC director has indeed stated that transmission prevention is not within the capability of the available mRNA vaccinations. Therefore, the data indicates that the risk for hospitalization for children 0-17 is extremely low, and thus does not provide just cause for vaccination. The proviso, naturally, is that children who have underlying medical conditions (e.g., type 1 diabetes) are at some degree of added risk, thus their parents and healthcare providers should give consideration to mRNA vaccination.

    Additional data in children specific to C19-related hospitalization for the period of March 1, 2020 – July 25, 2020 showed cumulative hospitalization rates of children <18 yrs/o at 8.0 per 100K (Kim, et al Hospitalization Rates and Characteristics of Children Aged <18 Years Hospitalized with Laboratory-Confirmed COVID-19 – COVID-NET, 14 States, March 1-July 25, 2020).

    Basing vaccinations for children on the later (post-vaccine) data set has serious limitations. 1. The data do not distinguish the vaccinated from the unvaccinated; 2. The authors state that hospitalization for reasons other than Covid-19 "may have been more common…due to SARS-CoV-2 screening practices which were universal among hospitalized." As such, hospitalization data is likely to be lower for C19 than for recent influenza seasons, and more importantly, conclusions cannot be drawn about the viability of mRNA vaccines since this was not delineated in the data set.

    The mRNA vaccines have NOT gone through full clinical development program (only EUA requisite short-term studies). The long-term effects of mRNA that have biodistribution into liver, heart, testes, and female reproductive system tissue is COMPLETELY unknown. As demonstrated – mortality, transmission mitigation, prevents of severe symptoms – none provide statistical rationale for vaccinating children, ESPECIALLY in light of the fact that no long-term safety data and no traditional clinical development data exists. Aberrant incidences of mRNA-related myocarditis in younger populations has moved many EU countries to discontinue recommendations for vaccination in younger populations. This is just an acute Adverse Event marker. Medium/long-term are unknown. C19 mRNA vaccines should therefore be recommend only for special populations for <18 yr olds."


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