The Massachusetts Democrat Hack Tied To Russian Collusion Hoax – IOTW Report

The Massachusetts Democrat Hack Tied To Russian Collusion Hoax

Howie Carr:
It’s fabulous to be a Democrat — just ask Charles H. Dolan, Jr., a 72-year-old career Massachusetts hack who has gotten a total pass from everybody despite his pivotal role in the Russian collusion hoax, the greatest scandal in American political history.

The reason is because… Democrats.

If Dolan and his co-conspirators had done to a Democrat president what they tried to do to Donald Trump, they wouldn’t just be in jail, they’d be under one.

Yet practically no one in America has even heard of this Dolan dolt. And now it turns out that even after it became clear that he had been directly involved in concocting Hillary Clinton’s false “dirty dossier,” the Deep State gave him a good leaving alone.

In fact, the corrupt FBI adamantly refused to even interview him about his role in Hillary’s hoax because, once again… Democrats.

This new information about how the FBI tried to protect their fellow Trump-hating Democrat was revealed last week during the federal trial in Virginia of Igor Danchenko. more

4 Comments on The Massachusetts Democrat Hack Tied To Russian Collusion Hoax

  1. When The Donald called the people to Columbia, they came. And kneeled before the foreign rulers sworn to exterminate them. While The Donald took the money and ran. And the people cheered.

    None will be missed.

    But boom on.

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