REVEALED: Dems’ Jan 6 ‘hero’ cop violated civil rights of black man in racist incident – IOTW Report

REVEALED: Dems’ Jan 6 ‘hero’ cop violated civil rights of black man in racist incident


Former Washington, DC Metropolitan Police officer Michael Fanone gained massive notoriety as post-January 6 events unfolded. For his 30-minute struggle at the Capitol Building, he got a book deal, several interviews in mainstream media, and a gig as a CNN contributor. What most people don’t know about him is that he illegally stopped-and-frisked a black attorney, causing the city to pay out $175,000 to the victim.

Fanone has repeatedly characterized law enforcement as well as former President Donald Trump and his supporters as “racist,” including in his 256-page book on his experience being attacked while attempting to push protestors out of the Capitol.

“There’s a long history of racism in this country and unfortunately law enforcement has played a significant part in that,” Fanone wrote in “Hold the Line: The Insurrection and One Cop’s Battle for America’s Soul.” “During my two decades on the force, I encountered anti-Black, anti-Muslim, anti-Asian, and anti-gay officers. I met MPD officers and supervisors who were white supremacists, or who were at least sympathetic to white supremacists and shared Trump’s views on race.”

Fanone may have been right that some of Trump’s voters espoused racist views, but not in the way that he claimed. The Washington Post reported that the former cop actually voted for Donald Trump in 2016. Seven years prior to this, he actually perpetrated a racist encounter against a black man.  

It was the afternoon of October 8, 2009, when Fanone and his partner, Officer Samuel Modin, confronted Micheal Maddox, a black attorney for Howard University. more here

6 Comments on REVEALED: Dems’ Jan 6 ‘hero’ cop violated civil rights of black man in racist incident

  1. When I saw him “testify” 19 months ago I said to myself, “that NeoCommie sounds like a “Bush Republican”.
    Went to Wiki and sure enough 19 months ago Wiki said he was a Bush Republican. Sometime since then his party has been”memory holed”! Wiki today does not list his political affiliation! Orwell, unfortunately, saw the future.
    “Freedom is slavery, war is peace, GWB is Republican”! ok I may have misquoted; but were George to write it today that would be it.

    For those not reading the book, “memory hole” is to rewrite history.

  2. Huh. That’s funny, the Wikipedia entry on Michael Fanone, makes no mention of his racist past or this incident. But it did mention that Fanone stopped supporting President Trump after “Trump made anti-Asian comments.” Fuck Wikipedia.


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