Joe Biden Pushing Vaccine Booster, But Only 20 Million Have Decided to Remain on Ronacoaster – IOTW Report

Joe Biden Pushing Vaccine Booster, But Only 20 Million Have Decided to Remain on Ronacoaster

Ronacoaster” lol

During a vaccine promotion today where Joe Biden received his COVID-19 vaccine booster, he mentioned that only 20 million Americans had decided to remain on the vaccine ronacoaster and get the booster shot.

Interestingly, there was a representative from Albertsons in attendance.  Kroger and Albertsons have a pending merger deal.  Curious timing. more here

16 Comments on Joe Biden Pushing Vaccine Booster, But Only 20 Million Have Decided to Remain on Ronacoaster

  1. I saw something today that said those recently getting the booster have a HIGHER incidence of the covid than those not getting it. Unfortunately don’t have the link.

  2. Biden’s vax = saline solution

    don’t kid yourselves … they love putting this buffoon in front of the camera
    this idiot is the best distraction EVER!

    they’d shove his animated corpse out in a bubble-encased gurney if needed to amuse the masses … & it would work w/ half the populace (think The View)

  3. @LCD — Alex Berenson wrote about this today:

    The new “Omicron-specific” mRNA Covid boosters are WORSE than useless

    A new paper says people who got them actually generated FEWER antibodies to Omicron than those who got the older shots as a booster – and FAR fewer than people who had a natural Omicron infection

    Updated mRNA booster shots from Pfizer and Moderna – okayed for human use on the basis of data from a handful of mice – actually produce fewer useful antibodies against Omicron than a fourth jab with the original formulation.

    Don’t take it from me. Take it from a paper released Monday from Dr. David Ho, one of the world’s top virologists.

  4. In other Jab-adjacent news, Obama’s DefSec Ashton Carter died “unexpectedly” at age 68, of a heart attack yesterday. James Taylor will perform at his memorial service.

    Okay, I made up that last part.

  5. But it’s safe and effective for a lot of politicians and big pharma company bank accounts.
    Tell me again why both of those groups and their staff are exempt from the not a vaccine?


    This is his FIFTH jab. No way it’s the real thing. Probably not even saline, most likely more of whatever preservative cocktail he gets on a regular basis.

  7. Just massive group of test subjects.
    Will there ever be a $dollar amount attached to all this free stuff.
    You can get 8 free test kits every month. Probably every nursing home has multiple subscriptions.
    Another money funnel.


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