Woman Who Previously Said She Was Arrested For Being ‘Too Good-Looking’ Charged For Murdering Mother – IOTW Report

Woman Who Previously Said She Was Arrested For Being ‘Too Good-Looking’ Charged For Murdering Mother

Breaking 911:

LAS VEGAS – On October 26, 2022, at approximately 2:34 a.m., LVMPD dispatch received a call from an individual stating someone was injured inside a residence located in the 10100 block of June Flower Drive. Arriving officers located an unresponsive adult female inside of the residence suffering from multiple lacerations. Medical personnel responded and pronounced the victim deceased at the scene.

The investigation by the LVMPD Homicide Section indicates the victim was involved in a verbal dispute with her daughter, later identified as 28-year-old Hend Bustami.

California Highway Patrol was able to locate and detain Bustami near Barstow, Califorina. Bustami will be charged with open murder and extradited back to Clark County. more here

15 Comments on Woman Who Previously Said She Was Arrested For Being ‘Too Good-Looking’ Charged For Murdering Mother

  1. Reminds me of the old joke..
    Guy walks up to a rancher and asks how much for a particular horse. The Rancher replies “50 bucks, because he don’t look so good.”
    The guy, “He looks fine. I’ll take him.”
    Next day the guy brings the horse back and demands his money back saying,”This horse is blind!”
    “I told you he don’t look so good”, said the rancher.

  2. F4UCorsair
    OCTOBER 27, 2022 AT 4:35 PM
    “Reminds me of the old joke..”

    …and your joke reminds me of this one…

    …I heard a story once about a midget with a lisp who went to see a man about a horse.

    The rancher was put off immediately by the appearance of the midget, who he thought was too “dandified” to be a serious horseman, but went ahead and showed him the horse even though he was annoyed by the lisp, which made him think the guy was some kind of gay pervert.

    They went to the horse, and the midget said “I want to see her eyths”. He was too short to see them, so the rancher had to hold him up. The midget said “Niceth eyths. I wanna see her theeth”.

    The rancher obligingly lowered him to do so.

    The midget then said “nicth theeth. Now I wanna seeth her twat”. This did in the rancher, who ran to the back of the horse holding the midget, and crammed him in the surprised mare’s vagina.

    “THERE, YA LITTLE PERVERT! GET A GOOD LOOK, YA FREAK!”,then pulled him out and flung him to the ground in disgust.

    The midget recovered himself, stood up unsteadily, and after wiping the fluid from his eyes and mouth said “no, I meant I wanteth to watch her RUN”…


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