Australia: Covid vaccine injury payouts explode to $77 million, budget reveals – IOTW Report

Australia: Covid vaccine injury payouts explode to $77 million, budget reveals


Payouts for Covid-19 vaccine injuries are set to explode more than 80-fold to nearly $77 million by July next year, Tuesday’s budget papers reveal.

The figure was quietly buried in the Services Australia portfolio budget statement, in a table detailing third-party payments from the agency “on behalf of other entities”.

Services Australia administers the scheme for the Health Department.

The table reveals that in 2021-22, the Covid vaccine claims scheme paid out just $937,000 — which would work out to about 47 people if they each received the maximum tier-one amount of $20,000.

But in 2022-23, that amount is estimated to blow out to $76.9 million, equating to 3845 tier-one claims.

A spokesman for Services Australia was unable to provide any further detail on the payouts, such as the number or size of claims.

The compensation scheme, which is currently scheduled to end on April 17, 2024, allows Australians to claim for medical costs, lost wages or other expenses if they suffer an adverse reaction to a Covid vaccine. more

9 Comments on Australia: Covid vaccine injury payouts explode to $77 million, budget reveals

  1. My life is worth more than 77 million.

    My wife’s life is worth more than 77 million.

    My child’s life is worth more than 77 million.

    You do not have and can not get enough money to purchase forgiveness for taking my life or the life of anyone I love.

    You do not have enough money to forgive you the murder of the smallest child or the oldest citizen among us.

    The Old Testament addresses what the best way is that you can recompense the victims of your genocidal murders.

    “He that smiteth a man, so that he die, shall be surely put to death.”
    Exodus 21:12

    “22 If men strive, and hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit depart from her, and yet no mischief follow: he shall be surely punished, according as the woman’s husband will lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine.

    23 And if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for life,

    24 Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot,

    25 Burning for burning, wound for wound, stripe for stripe.”
    Exodus 21:22-25

    …but you will say, “That is Jewish law and Christians must forgive!”

    Sorry, but forgiveness is not simply granted, the offender must SEEK it, sincerely, without reservations, and with a heart for atonement.

    You murderers of millions must pay a high price for that atonement. Your crimes shriek to Heaven so loudly that only Jesus Himself can forgive them.

    It is therefore our duty to send you to HIS Judgement, not OURS.

    By the speediest way possible.

  2. … allows Australians to claim for medical costs, lost wages or other expenses if they suffer an adverse reaction to a Covid vaccine.

    For anyone who argues that the vaccine is safe and effective, payouts would then represent confirmation that adverse reactions are indeed traceable back to the vaccine!


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