New Star Trek Comic Disgusts Readers With A Vulcan Lecturing The Crew On Gender Pronouns. – IOTW Report

New Star Trek Comic Disgusts Readers With A Vulcan Lecturing The Crew On Gender Pronouns.

Bounding into Comics-

The Star Trek franchise has become one of the most mocked properties on the internet in recent years, mired with controversies because of the identity politics constantly pushed by the show, books, and comics.

In a recent IDW comic, the writers perpetuated the franchise’s woke content by lecturing its readers on gender identity by using Vulcan characters as a vehicle to gaslight readers who aren’t obsessing over pronouns.

The decline of Star Trek’s popularity among fans began with Star Trek: Discovery, which first flaunted racial divisions and an explicit on-screen homosexual relationship before pushing even further to the bottom of the identity politics barrel when they introduced a Trill character who, despite obviously being a woman, lectured her crewmates and audience on how she wanted to be called “they/them.” more

Dracula decided he need a dog, which breed did he choose?

A bloodhound.

15 Comments on New Star Trek Comic Disgusts Readers With A Vulcan Lecturing The Crew On Gender Pronouns.

  1. StarTrek Discovery is the absolute worst. Horrible characters and horrible acting. The saving grace was Christopher Pike-and even that character ( the Captain of the ship!) had to defer commands and decisions to the all knowing black female officer.

    We quit watching after season one. Of course, my liberal BFF was shocked SHOCKED when I told her it was pure garbage. 😆

  2. I agree with Joe Squid, liberal screw up everything they touch. I like the older Star Trek episodes. Even the movies. My son put streaming on my tv to watch that new version of Star Trek. No thanks, I’ve never watched it.

  3. So far, “Picard” the series seems to be the Most Suck of the reboots.
    I watched 2 Free episodes and that NOW makes TNG completely UNWATCHABLE.

    I wish that Bald Headed Jackass Patrick Stewart would have stayed home and NOT ruined what was a reasonable body of work in his past.


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