The Atlantic writer suggests “a pandemic amnesty” – IOTW Report

The Atlantic writer suggests “a pandemic amnesty”

Emily Oster proposes “a pandemic amnesty,” suggests that “we need to forgive one another for what we did and said when we were in the dark about COVID.”

I don’t know much about the American pandemic pundits, but I gather that Brown University economist and “parenting guru” Emily Oster is far from the worst of them. Her Twitter timeline suggests she spent the early months of the pandemic terrified about the virus until school closures took their toll on her kids, at which point she repositioned herself as a kind of lockdown moderate, opposing the worst of the hystericist excesses while validating their central premises whenever possible to save face with friends and colleagues.

“Employer mandates” mean firing people who don’t share your medical and political opinions.

Emily Oster’s latest act of moderation is the suggestion that we forgive and forget all the disastrous policies inflicted on us by terrified wealthy urbanites, clueless technocrats and mad scientist vaccinators since 2020, because, hey, these were just honest mistakes, anybody could’ve messed up like that, it’s all good.

April 2020, with nothing else to do, my family took an enormous number of hikes. We all wore cloth masks that I had made myself. We had a family hand signal, which the person in the front would use if someone was approaching on the trail and we needed to put on our masks.  Once, when another child got too close to my then-4-year-old son on a bridge, he yelled at her “SOCIAL DISTANCING!”

These precautions were totally misguided. In April 2020, no one got the coronavirus from passing someone else hiking. Outdoor transmission was vanishingly rare. Our cloth masks made out of old bandanas wouldn’t have done anything, anyway. But the thing is: We didn’t know.

The thing is, Emily Oster, that we did know. We’ve studied respiratory virus transmission for years. All the virologists and epidemiologists who aren’t total morons knew your 2020 mask routine was crazy and they just didn’t care. They wanted you to do it anyway, because they thought that if they got you to act paranoid and antisocial enough, your insane behaviour might have some limited effect on case curves. Joke’s on you, and it’s sad you still haven’t realised. MORE HERE. SNIP: Be sure to read the rest.

37 Comments on The Atlantic writer suggests “a pandemic amnesty”

  1. I’ll give a’y’all “amnesty” while you’re doing an air dance at the end of a short noose……errr……rope.

  2. sorry, not gonna even consider “amnesty” until we see the complete end result of your evil…..which looks a lot like toadal civilizational collapse, if the diesel scares come true….these people have made no secret that their goal is the elimination of 90% of the human population….they have a great faith in their AI robots, to replace us…..the black plague brought us the magna carta; these people think to replace us “peasants” with robots….good luck to them…….

  3. don’t understand how supposedly reasonably intelligent beings could be so quickly & easily fooled to be led blindly into believing something so obviously irrational & untrue as to gladly sacrifice their, & their loved ones, future health & lives

    … all I can come up w/ is that a considerable amount of humanity is a bunch of selfish, deceitful, sanctimonious twits

    kinda feels like we’re revisiting God’s problems w/ the Jews
    (just a comparison w/ that Old Testament stuff; not a condemnation)

  4. I’ll think about whether or not to consider amnesty when I see that Fauci’s¹ feet have disappeared and the industrial chipper/shredder is working on his knees.

    1. And Bourla, Birx, Schwab, Gates, etc.

  5. Since anyone with at close to average intelligence could see that the pandemic was largely a scam, and that millions of innocent people were dying, or rather were being killed, then if any kind of amnesty comes into play it should be applied only to those with an IQ under 80.

  6. This article and the MSN coverage of the Pelosi incident are gifts to the electorate… The hubris on display is undeniable and will encourage voter turnout for a red wave.

  7. My General Practitioner was a hard-core vaccine believer. Right from the start of the pandemic I argued with him about the side effects that were reported by virologists. He even became the media Covid spokesperson for the hospital, touting all the great benefits of the vaccine. Now that all the truth and evidence has been exposed, he has become really quiet when I come in for a routine checkup. I just grin like the Cheshire Cat when I see him. Crow and Humble Pie are best served cold.

  8. @ mickey moussaoui
    NOVEMBER 2, 2022 AT 2:39 AM,
    I’d be damned if I would continue to support a physician who tried to kill me or believed in the efficacy of a face diaper. It is fortunate that I have not required any medical intervention for years. These criminals need to hang.

  9. Emily likes to hike? Well then, Emily, take a hike.

    (Why is it that it’s always the perpetrators of misinformed wrath who, when found in error, want everyone to hug and make up? Shouldn’t there at least be an apology in there somewhere?)

  10. Crackerbaby> I agree. I only use this doctor for 6-month checkups from now on.
    He can take my blood pressure and read me my blood-test info but that’s it. I only go to specialists if I need “professional” medical advice.

  11. Still see individuals and small families wearing them in public.

    The last one I talked with at the counter of a gas station admitted the mask didn’t work then finished his sentence with ‘but I wear it to be safer’.

    But… it doesn’t work.

    “I know”


  12. When the dead and maimed are restored to life and vitality we can consider amnesty.

    Until then: Fuck Off, Eat Shit, and Die.

    These monsters and mini-Mengeles need to suffer the consequences of their actions.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  13. They didn’t make a mistake.
    The leftists saw their chance to grab more money and power using fear and their propaganda machine.
    Now that the truth is coming out and people are ticked off and dying from the “cure” they’re afraid.

    Videos are going around on Truth and gab of cops arresting and harassing children and parents for not wearing, as PJW says, face nappies to remind everyone of the tyranny forced upon us.

    It may not be eloquent but F ’em.
    They need to have the bright light of truth shined on every one of them.

  14. who didn’t see this coming?
    the tolerant ones now want amnesty for waging war against those who chose not to be a lab rat

    they forced you to close your business, no weddings, no funerals, no nursing home visits, no school, no church, no restaurants, only big box stores can be open, knowingly murdering the elderly in the nursing homes, etc. etc.

    there should be Nuremberg trials for all who participated in these crimes against humanity

  15. We knew right away COVID attacked the elderly, yet Cuomo sent infected people back to nursing homes. Internal documents have shown the correct safe distance was 10 feet, but those “in charge” thought the public wouldn’t accept that, so they went with a useless 6 feet.

    Forgive? GFY.

  16. I have had COVID and I still refuse to get the COVID vaccine. My immune system is healthy enough to fight off any future return of COVID. My trust is in God and not in an unproven vaccine and boosters that may or may not kill me. I need to get a pneumonia shot and a flu shot and that’s as far as I’ll go with any any further vaccinations.

  17. No.
    You lunatics reveled in the misery and suffering of innocent people.
    You psychopaths inserted yourselves into our very lives.
    You will get neither my forgiveness nor my sympathy.
    You need to take that up with God, hopefully soon.

  18. Progressives know their goals. Goals that are always detrimental. Some like this “parental guru” mother experience the effects of their evil designs. Then the self awareness kicks in and the realization that supporting Covid mandates, lock downs and death jabs could be a criminal.

    Also, makes sense “intellectual” elites think releasing criminals from prisons is a great idea. They want cover from prosecution when it’s their turn. Covid devotees should all be criminally charged even if it’s a misdemeanor.

    God’s forgiveness is all that matters, but I doubt heathenistic elite care about it. They’re just trying to avoid the pitchforks and touches they deserve.

  19. REMEMBER WHAT THEY HAVE TAKEN FROM YOU. Too, repentance comes before forgiveness. What happens in this realm doesn’t amount to a fart in a windstorm; they should fear the One who can destroy their souls, not those who can destroy their bodies.

    I’ll forgive when they repent; no “ifs, ands or buts.”

  20. @99th
    You have nailed it.
    Forgiveness is not the point, they see repercussions in their future and want a get out of jail card.
    The victims and their families of this in tensional bio weapon need to have their day with the perpetrators. Keep in mind they’re still working on more deadly ones to release on us when they think it’s time. Amnesty is not in the cards with such intent. They Have ruined businesses killed people in hospitals with their protocols ruined lives permanently, physically injured or killed with the fake vaccine. Outright stolen election still going at it. And more.


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