Salvation Army Drops Racial Content From Website Amid Public Pressure – IOTW Report

Salvation Army Drops Racial Content From Website Amid Public Pressure

JTN– The Salvation Army has dropped contentious racial material from its website following inquiry from a conservative activist group.

Last year, reports emerged that the religious organization had asked its white members to seek forgiveness for racism. Following public controversy the group backed off of that stance and claimed to have removed racial materials from its training manuals.

That material, however, remained on the website for up to ten months following that incident, before being taken down after an inquiry from Color Us United as to whether the group still adhered to that material, per North Carolina Business Daily. The Salvation Army then removed the remaining racial materials from its website.

“The Salvation Army left their racial content up on their website for ten months after last year’s controversy — despite claims to have removed it from their curriculum. And only now it was removed in response to our public campaign. TSA (The Salvation Army) should be committed to become a race-blind organization that denounces the racist DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) program, not just hide web pages as a result of public exposure,” Color Us United President Kenny Xu told the outlet. more

20 Comments on Salvation Army Drops Racial Content From Website Amid Public Pressure

  1. Too little, too late. Besides, they have revealed that they are aligned with the force of evil. There is no going back without complete and sincere repentance. I’m not like the Seattle Republican establishment radio stations. The Salvation Army is not getting back on my list of charities that easy.

  2. I, for one, spared them from getting soiled by my dirty, tainted racist contribution last year.

    I told them I was sure that any shortfall caused by me and my fellow racists would be more than made up by overflowing contributions from woke apologetic whites and all of those nonracist POCs.

  3. Some of my “white” ancestors fought and died for the Union in the Civil War. Others of my “white” ancestors broke state and federal law, and risked the condemnation of their friends and neighbors to hide, feed, clothe, and transport fugitive slaves on their way to Canada. It was “whites” who opened their farms to fugitive slaves, and listened in town to learn when and where bounty hunters were working. Do you think fugitive slaves hid in Black communities? If bounty hunters caught a free Black, they’d just take him South to sell him again. “White” Abolitionists have no slavery sin to forgive. Listen to the words of the 3rd verse of the Battle Hymn of the Republic, “as He died to make men holy, let us die to make men free.”

  4. As an ex police officer from Chicago they were there to always help us and the firefighters on details and incidents. They provided us meals and coffee for free while the red cross would charge large fees even for water. We would always take up a collection among ourselves and give to them for helping us on the details. I always gave to them for the kettle until they burned the bridge with their racial garbage they can’t rebiuld the bnridge and even if they did I would no longer desire to cross it.

  5. I got a letter from them asking where I (and my money) have been. I informed them that due to their wokeness, my Caucasianess no longer allows me to fund them, instead there are numerous LOCAL charitable organizations that appreciate my money…and they don’t even care what color my skin is!

  6. Will never get a dime from me. Would always look for a kettle around the holidays, but that stopped last year. Just downloaded the “Lets talk about racism” guide and that will be stored on my phone. If I run into a bell ringer, the guide cover will be shown to them, followed by “Have a good day” and will continue on my merry way.

  7. I will still give them nothing starting last year when they came out with their racists rhetoric. They were hurt badly over it, and they still are. I know for a fact that donations are down. I shop at their stores – I like to buy second hand stuff, sometimes I buy to resell and have done well at it. I have picked up a few pricey items for dirt cheap because whoever priced it had no idea of the value. Not incumbent upon me to tell them – knowledge is power. That’s how the free market works, I use it to my advantage.

  8. What a damn shame, TSA was one of the charities I gave to regularly. There’s still an Open Door Mission in town that does good work, they’ll be receiving my donations PLUS.

  9. Just in time to find out it’s not going to work this Christmas, either.
    One of the few charities I used to give to, until they pulled their “rebuke the white man” pandering bullshit last year.

  10. The Salvation Army is claiming that people are making false claims about their book, yet you can download the book and see for yourself. “What is Whiteness” section is a real hoot! They put out a book that you are supposed to spent 90 minutes discussing each section, which amounts to 45 hours of talking about it!! I guarantee you that anybody who spends that kind of time on it is coming away brainwashed and if you’re White, welcome to the Land of White Guilt!
    Fuck Salvation Army for publishing this trash in the first place, Fuck Salvation Army for trying to walk it back after pulling the book and Fuck Progressives for ruining a good organization!

  11. Like I said, the worthless fuckers showed up and tried to USE the disabled people my buddy Mike and I had been helping with disabled access on public right of way projects that were designed and built with zero consideration of the federal ADA guidelines or they themselves. Grossly non compliant to the degree they flat out were dangerous in many situations and totally unusable in many more.

    We could mister a couple hundred affected individuals in 24 hours and I had an inside connection to a major Seattle News gal. The fucksticks showed up and wanted to use those people to augment the 30 to 40 screaming purple and green haired freaks that showed up at their shitfests. Basically, once we had let them reveal their true colors we gave them the bums rush. We basically had to threaten a cease and desist to get the fuckers to stop using our name associated wit their shitfests.

    They are pure, unadulterated poison and exploitation is the only game they play. They add nothing and are an unmitigated liability. Don’t even get me started on the ” progressive Christian” churches and groups who tried the same shit. if anything, they are worse news.

  12. These companies and non-profits wanted to fit in and find acceptance with what they thought was the Woke horde, but like so many decisions recently made by these people, their info comes from the media they trust too much.

  13. Having had direct experience with the Salvation Army I can say there are some aspects of that organization that are definitely not Christian. Sure they do allot of good things, but I no longer consider them as Christians. Some of their policy is for sure not Christian. Some of their policy can actually kill….They are part of satans plantation.

  14. The S******** A*** (Canuckistan) tried to Buy one of our buildings about 20ish years ago. Halfway House Bullshit.
    They offered MUCH HIGHER than anyone else who approached us and were very willing to take us out to fine restaurants to discuss the deal.

    We did not sell but it was quite disgusting to me how they had no concept of value.


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